Mr.Beefy has been a very BAD BOY!!!


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
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>.<I made the mistake of underestimating Beefy's love for food. I was walking through the house with a piece of chicken about to put it in my mouth and this 70lb usually very inactive beast jumps up and grabs the piece of chicken out of my hand!!!!! Well I guess he didnt care that my hand was in the way and his tooth caught on my knuckle....I couldnt believe this lazy boy has jumped up to my chest to grab my chicken(note i'm only 5' but still). So Beefy was sent to his bed and I had to go doctor another Bully Boo Boo. What a BAD BAD BOY!!!! I think maybe the new food is working to well....:p
[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION] He just busted my knuckle ...I wish I had a video of it, not the bite but the jump for chicken lol
Same thing happened to me last week with a sandwich, which I have learned since... it was called "BULLY BAIT" because I had it in my hand walking and he came from behind and got half of it, lol, well I definatly caught a 63 lb. bully carrying it that way, you would think that we starve our poor babies!!! And he got my thumb in the process and broke the skin, but I survived, lol.
well good to see mr b is having lots of energy and his feeling great!!! hope your hand isnt to bad, you gotta be proud hes filling better though
Yikes .... It's amazing how much bounce they have when they feel it necessary!!!! :crazy:
umm yeah, i felt kinda silly but he is such a fatty lol. I didnt think he could jump that high i mean he acts like its a struggle to get on the recliner lol. But yes I learned my lesson and I'm very happy he is feeling better. i'm kinda scared to take him in to petsmart for a weigh in i think maybe he has gained since the new diet...he had a porterhouse steak for breakfast...i was out of chicken
What a Stinker! Did he give you kisses after he hurt your hand? My girls KNOW when they've done something they shouldn't. They usually give plenty of kisses, trying to get out of trouble.

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