Meet Bob, the bulldog! Update.

It has been 10+ days since the last pic. How about posting a pic every 10 days or so, so we can all watch him get better in your most capable hands. I can't wait to see him brought back to concours condition.
Your wish is my command! We think he has gained about 4 lbs. Slow and steady wins the race!



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That looks like a little stinger tail? How lucky both of you are! Four lbs is a good pace. Needs to be able to build strength while adding that mass. He's a really nice shade of red. If his infection is still cooking you might try Nustock. It will eradicate most infections and, somehow, promotes hair growth...just have to deal with the smell. If you like the smell of Pinesol, then you're fine!
That looks like a little stinger tail? How lucky both of you are! Four lbs is a good pace. Needs to be able to build strength while adding that mass. He's a really nice shade of red. If his infection is still cooking you might try Nustock. It will eradicate most infections and, somehow, promotes hair growth...just have to deal with the smell. If you like the smell of Pinesol, then you're fine!
Funny you should mention Nustock! I have literally just this minute put some more on after washing the old stuff off. It does stink, you are right. The vet thought the hair loss was from a previous flea infestation.
His tail is straight, no pocket, and he loves to wag it and his whole rear end.
He is a good boy and settling down nicely. He is a quick learner too, knows to wait at the door while we go out and not charge it anymore. He loves his stuffys!


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We had a sucky boy years ago. He would get so much of the head of his Tuffy Octopus in his mouth we'd wonder how he could breathe. He'd suck on it for hours and then suddenly sit up and hump it for a few seconds and then back to sucking on it. It was a riot. Crazy boy!
This might make a good Christmas present for Bob.
tuffy Octo
We took Bob to the vet today to see about entropion surgery etc. He now weighs 54lbs and his backbone is much less prominent.
His eyes, unfortunately, are not great. We suspected his vision wasn't good and the vet confirmed it. He has been suffering with his eyelashes for too long. Hopefully, we will be able to maintain what vision he does have. He will also have his nares widened as they are practically closed and if necessary, his soft palate shortened. His breathing is really laboured at times and it is like he gulps for air. It will all be done using laser so the recovery should be easier for him.
He is settling down very well and is a curious boy, he has to know what is going on. We still haven't formally introduced him to the cat but we let the cat wander around when Bob is in his crate so he can get used to seeing him around. Small steps....


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Way to go Pam. Again thank you for taking him in and fixing boB (Cooper made me do that) up. I know he is so glad you found him. Prayers for you and family.

Also Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. RJ.
@1Chumly his eyelashes are too long n damaged his vision? So itā€™s too late? Can they laser them like Jake had? They were poking his eyes, leaking non stop n red. Laser has fixed the problem.
@1Chumly his eyelashes are too long n damaged his vision? So itā€™s too late? Can they laser them like Jake had? They were poking his eyes, leaking non stop n red. Laser has fixed the problem.
His eyelashes have damaged his vision. He will be having the laser surgery to correct the eyelashes but unfortunately damage has been done to his eyes as he should have had the surgery long before now. The vet does not think his vision will improve much, if at all after the surgery so we have to make sure they don't get worse. We are worried about this as it was what happened to Buster and he eventually went blind.
The good thing is of course, he won't have eyelashes poking in his eyes anymore, poor dog.
Heā€™s looking great. Are you just going to give him eye drops or will he have surgery to correct the lashes?
Heā€™s looking great. Are you just going to give him eye drops or will he have surgery to correct the lashes?
He will have laser surgery to correct the eyelashes, widen the nares and possibly soft palate. He will have prescription eyedrops for life, I am sure.
His eyelashes have damaged his vision. He will be having the laser surgery to correct the eyelashes but unfortunately damage has been done to his eyes as he should have had the surgery long before now. The vet does not think his vision will improve much, if at all after the surgery so we have to make sure they don't get worse. We are worried about this as it was what happened to Buster and he eventually went blind.
The good thing is of course, he won't have eyelashes poking in his eyes anymore, poor dog.
Iā€™ve read a while back they do surgery n insert a permanent contact len in the back of the pupil. Idk if yours would qualify. You might want to talk to the vet about it.

Holistic way, Marigold, which is a potent source of zeaxanthin, which basically is a carotenoid thatā€™s important for eye health. Also, what helps boost the Retinal is Lutein. I know thereā€™s supplements for dogs eyesight out there that contains Lutein in Marigold(calendula). Itā€™s an extract. Extracts is always better as it gets in your blood faster.


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