Male dog Pestering female dog


Active member
Apr 11, 2021
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
So bear is completely obsessed with my sisters dog Emma, he is still un-neutered and Emma was fixed when she was about 1 1/2 she's now 5. Bear goes up to her and will shove his face in her privates and lick, she hates it and will growl, snap and run from him. He won't stop until we get on to him and even then will continue after a while, now when they are outside and she goes to pee he will shove his face pretty much in the stream and will do lord knows what. It's very gross but I have no idea how to stop it. The vet wants us to wait till he's at least a year to get him fixed so I'm not sure what else to do. If I need to train him what exactly would I train him for and how would I go about it? Thanks! (Pic of bear Bc I'm obsessed with him)


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Sounds like Bear's hormones are really kickin' in. Other than neutering, I would suggest keeping him on a lead when she is around. You might use a herme springer coller and learn how to correct him with it. Without that, you will not have control, and that behavior is not acceptable. If his testacles have dropped and the dogs are together alot, you might rather have him castrated. He still would act out for a couple of months afterward. If you don't want either scenerio, then keep them apart. Another member may have a suggestion. I would not allow this behaviour.
The good news is your sisters dog is spayed so no accidents can happen. But heā€™s going to continue to annoy her so as suggested, you can keep him on a lead and correct him but keeping them apart might be best and waiting until as close to a year as possible to get him neutered is ideal as heā€™s still growing.
I hate to tell you this but my male has been neut since he was 5 months old (he is now 18 months old) and still does those things to my female Shih Tzu. I have never had a male neutered dog act like this before.
I hate to tell you this but my male has been neut since he was 5 months old (he is now 18 months old) and still does those things to my female Shih Tzu. I have never had a male neutered dog act like this before.
This could just be a form of dominance. Both my males are neutered and Jax (Frenchie) will constantly hump Ella while they play and sometimes he'll even do it to Louie but it is not sexual at all. When I see him doing it I firmly say his name and he stops.
I agreeā€¦ keep on lead when together until neuter

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