Loki had another seizure :(


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Jul 22, 2013
Prescott, Wisconsin, United States
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Loki Beans
:cry: I came home from work last night to find Loki in a seizure he was breathing so hard and drooling everywhere. I made the decision to bring him to the emergency vet at that point because it was really bad I wasn't sure how long it was going on and he was trying so hard to stop I could tell. I tried to comfort and console him enough to get it together and give him some honey and lemon juice because I didn't know what else to do but he didn't recognize me, he was trying to hid so I didn't see that he was hurting or in pain. I got him picked up and loaded into the car we stopped and got Sean and went to the E vet. When we arrived he was still having small seizures and breathing super super hard at that point he had peed and pooped all over. They took him back immediately and told us that he had a fever of 107* and we were given 3 options at that point 1. cool him down give him Valium and see what the next hour holds, 2. put him in a drug induced coma to stop the seizure activity or 3. put him to sleep. We went with option one once they cooled him down the seizures stopped his breathing was returning to normal and his vision was coming back. (Please keep in mind that it was not heat related as it was only 68* in the house) They took blood panels and kept the IV going everything came back looking normal his glucose was a little high which was probably from the stress, his temp and the honey (the E vet said that the honey may have been what gave him a little boost to keep going) There was no proof that he got into anything that would have made this happen. We waited another hour and he was doing much better his vision was coming back he was becoming more alert even though he was very heavily drugged. We made the decision to leave him with the E vet overnight and bring him to our regular vet in the morning for follow up care. We went in he kissed me look me straight in the eyes, licked my nose like he always does, he wanted to play with Sean trying to get his bracelet, something that he has always done with him) When we stood up to leave he wanted to come with I gave him the blanket from my car that I was using sat back down he put his little head on my chest and fell asleep purring the whole time. That was exactly what I needed to know that he was going to be ok. I went and picked him up this morning he had a great night and didn't require and seizure medication over night and his fever was still gone. He was still drugged up but when they brought him out you could see his face perk up and he even gave me a little butt wiggle. He gave me tons of kisses and was ready to go. Went went to our vet where he is currently they are watching him and giving him IV fluids. When we pulled in he started to get pretty excited but I kept him calm but once we got in the exam room all bets were off he went straight to the vet and was so happy that she was there. He was walking circles around the office I think it is because he had to poop. We made the decision to start him on phenobarbital to try and prevent this from happening again. He will stay there for another 5 hours and if all goes well he can come home tonight. I am sorry if this is all over the place I am trying to keep it together long enough to get this out to you all. I will keep you all posted on what happens next.


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Oh boy, that's a lot to take in...I'm sorry this has happened, do they have any idea what can cause this? Stay strong. Sending healing thoughts.


Jul 14, 2013
Edinboro, Pa
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Sounds like you had a pretty bad scare. I will keep you and Loki in my prayers today. You did a fantastic job helping him. You should be proud.


The New Casper
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Wow. That would freak me out as well. I am glad to hear he is feeling better and hope teh vet can figure out teh cause and come up with a course of action to keep it from happening again.

Opie CHL

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Poor Loki! I hope he is okay..I could only imagine how that must have felt to be presented with those options..you most definitely went with the right one! Praying he's home and in your arms tonight! Please let us know.


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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SUPER big hugs... prayers and positive thoughts.


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Jan 15, 2013
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:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: these are for you & Loki!!! Very happy to hear he is doing much better and you got a wiggle out of him


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
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Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
:cry: I came home from work last night to find Loki in a seizure he was breathing so hard and drooling everywhere. I made the decision to bring him to the emergency vet at that point because it was really bad I wasn't sure how long it was going on and he was trying so hard to stop I could tell. I tried to comfort and console him enough to get it together and give him some honey and lemon juice because I didn't know what else to do but he didn't recognize me, he was trying to hid so I didn't see that he was hurting or in pain. I got him picked up and loaded into the car we stopped and got Sean and went to the E vet. When we arrived he was still having small seizures and breathing super super hard at that point he had peed and pooped all over. They took him back immediately and told us that he had a fever of 107* and we were given 3 options at that point 1. cool him down give him Valium and see what the next hour holds, 2. put him in a drug induced coma to stop the seizure activity or 3. put him to sleep. We went with option one once they cooled him down the seizures stopped his breathing was returning to normal and his vision was coming back. (Please keep in mind that it was not heat related as it was only 68* in the house) They took blood panels and kept the IV going everything came back looking normal his glucose was a little high which was probably from the stress, his temp and the honey (the E vet said that the honey may have been what gave him a little boost to keep going) There was no proof that he got into anything that would have made this happen. We waited another hour and he was doing much better his vision was coming back he was becoming more alert even though he was very heavily drugged. We made the decision to leave him with the E vet overnight and bring him to our regular vet in the morning for follow up care. We went in he kissed me look me straight in the eyes, licked my nose like he always does, he wanted to play with Sean trying to get his bracelet, something that he has always done with him) When we stood up to leave he wanted to come with I gave him the blanket from my car that I was using sat back down he put his little head on my chest and fell asleep purring the whole time. That was exactly what I needed to know that he was going to be ok. I went and picked him up this morning he had a great night and didn't require and seizure medication over night and his fever was still gone. He was still drugged up but when they brought him out you could see his face perk up and he even gave me a little butt wiggle. He gave me tons of kisses and was ready to go. Went went to our vet where he is currently they are watching him and giving him IV fluids. When we pulled in he started to get pretty excited but I kept him calm but once we got in the exam room all bets were off he went straight to the vet and was so happy that she was there. He was walking circles around the office I think it is because he had to poop. We made the decision to start him on phenobarbital to try and prevent this from happening again. He will stay there for another 5 hours and if all goes well he can come home tonight. I am sorry if this is all over the place I am trying to keep it together long enough to get this out to you all. I will keep you all posted on what happens next.

I really have to stop reading these posts while at work. I am sitting at my computer crying my eyes out. I am soo sorry for what you guys are going through. My nephew has a yorkie that has a seizure disorder that is controlled by medicine. She lives a happy normal life. Her seizures are very controlled now. She rarely has any anymore. It might take some trial and error to find the right medication and the right dosage but stay strong, you will get there. I am so glad that you did not go with option #3. Like you would anyway without exhausting all your options first! Iwill pray for you and Loki. God bless


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
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How scary for you!!!! :*(

Have they diagnosed him with epilepsy?? All I can do is tag [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] who has Vegas with epilepsy. Cheryl may be able to give you more support than anything I can do or say.


Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
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We will be praying for you and Loki!!!


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Jul 22, 2013
Prescott, Wisconsin, United States
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I have been communicating with Cheryl last night and throughout today her knowledge on the issue has already helped me so much. As of this morning the vet said that this maybe an instance that we might not really know what causes them since all his levels are great. She gave the option for and MRI but suggested we wait until and see how he does on the phenobarbital first. I have a list of questions to ask her I was too worried this morning to think straight. Part of me wonders if it isn't Anxiety driven in a weird sense. Reason being the 2 times that it has happened is right when I get home from work. Granted the one that he had last night was already happening when I came in and from the looks of things had been happening for a little bit.


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Oh my goodness, I'm so very sorry to hear about Loki... :cry:I'm teary eyed reading this, I can't imagine what you guys went thru last night... I don't have any advice on this, just know that we are praying for you & Loki, keep up posted!!! :hug:


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I am so sorry Loki had a seizure. :( hopefully you will find the cause and be able to get them under control. Sending you big prayers and tight hugs!


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
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i'm so very sorry. I wish I could help you and sweet Loki. You are doing a great job, just breath and let him know you are watching over him. I'm so glad you are talking to Cheryl. You are getting the best advice...:hug:

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Jul 22, 2013
Prescott, Wisconsin, United States
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Loki Beans
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Thanks everyone. The support from this group has meant so much to Sean and I. I have been trying to stay busy today I decided since Loki is at the Vet near my work that I might as well go in until I can go and pick him up this afternoon since I already drove almost 75 miles today. Well silly me decided to wear yoga pants a and a t shirt for a supplement that Sean's store sells I might still have slobbery and maybe some honey in my hair but hey if you don't like I really don't care. That is my thought for the day. There is only one thing on my mind today and he has 4 legs fur and a cinnamon bun tail :tongue:

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