Itchy Wrinkles?


Delilah's Personal Slave
Community Veteran
Feb 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Delilah has been acting like her facial wrinkles are really bothering her lately.

She gets these random twitches and goes and rubs her face against the couch and the cat scratching post and it's just..weird.

I clean her face out every day. Yet, it STILL gets nasty under there. Gunky looking crap. Her tear stains are getting horrible. She used to not have any at all.

I use Malacetic wipes on her from the Vet and I feed her Fromm Gold I think it is. Is there a different formula of Fromm I should try? She's about out so I need to order more. I know I read on here that Fromm is supposed to help with the stains, and honestly I think they are looking worse now.

Any suggestions on the stains and why she's itching her face so bad??
Some more info to try and straighten things out.

The gunk is pretty much black. It is disgusting.

Her wrinkles are red and raw and just look sore.

She's actually lost some hair in the ones by her eyes.

I feel so helpless. :(
Could be allergies, but sounding like a yeast infections since she is loosing fur. You might want to have her checked at your Vet's. Does it have a smell? Vegas will use his wire crate to itch his face, but his is due to seasonal allergies right now. I gave him one Benadryl (25 mg) to help with his watery eyes and the itching.
Fromm Beef Frittata.... Numero Uno!!! It is grain free, gluten free and chicken free. Fairly low in carbs compared to other types of Fromm and is definately worth trying. But remember what works for one bully may not work for yours. However, it sounds like she may also have some yeast built up to deal with and I'm less familiar with treating that. Benadryl as an instant relief may help the itching, as Kelly said.
I agree with [MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION]...if you are feeding the gold Fromm, try one of the grain free formulas. Beef Frittata seems to be a good choice as the surf and turf still has a small amount of poultry. Keep in mind the food switch may take a few weeks to see improvement. As for the immediate problem, you will most likely need a trip to the vet. Ask for some Panalog cream as it works great on yeast (thank you again [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]) there is a "generic" form which is animax. The tube I bought from our vets was $30 but will last forever and well worth it. You may also want to invest in some gold bond powder or desitin (whichever floats your boat) for putting in the areas after cleaning (and REALLY drying!) to help keep the moisture away from her skin. I use desitin and it works well. The malaket wipes work for many but we use Douxo wipes instead (chlorhexidine wipes). Good luck! I know it is hard when something is happening to your sweet bully and you are not sure what to do to make it better!

I know money is tight right now for you but if you have a good relationship with your vet, you can call and see if they will give you the panalog without an appt to save you money. Be sure to mention it is a yeast issue. If that is the case, just clean the area REALLY good with the malaket and be sure to dry completely then put the panalog (don't get in eyes) on. See if it helps after a few days along with the diet change.

Good luck and hope you can get her feeling better!
Great advice above! What they said! :)
Thank you everyone!

I have some Desitin in the house as well as some Gold Bond Powder I believe. Might have to go buy some more Benedyrl..I finished up the last of that with my horrendous allergies, lol!

Last time we went to the vet they didn't even say anything about her wrinkles. She said that Delilah's looked better than any of the other Bullies that she sees..I guess they must not have been that bad at that point in time. I can't really afford to take her to the vet at the moment unless it becomes an absolute necessity. I already owe them about $500 from when she almost died last Winter.

Becky (JAKEISGREAT) has generously offered to send me some Panalog Cream in the mail so I'm going to give that a shot. I'm super appreciative of that. :heart:
Thank you everyone!

I have some Desitin in the house as well as some Gold Bond Powder I believe. Might have to go buy some more Benedyrl..I finished up the last of that with my horrendous allergies, lol!

Last time we went to the vet they didn't even say anything about her wrinkles. She said that Delilah's looked better than any of the other Bullies that she sees..I guess they must not have been that bad at that point in time. I can't really afford to take her to the vet at the moment unless it becomes an absolute necessity. I already owe them about $500 from when she almost died last Winter.

Becky (JAKEISGREAT) has generously offered to send me some Panalog Cream in the mail so I'm going to give that a shot. I'm super appreciative of that. :heart:

You are so welcome! Us bully peeps gotta stick together! :hug:
Sounds like allergies to me. Lola had the red, raw, hairless wrinkles. No black gunk though. We seem to have it under control for the time being. For us it was changing her diet, and keeping her folds dry. Powder worked temporarily but Lola is a handful when it's time for bully maintenance, so that was never easy. For us it seemed like the more we tried to treat them, the worse they got. So now I just keep them dry. baby wipes or creams seemed to make it worse. She's better now than she's been in a long time.
[MENTION=651]sowdie[/MENTION] Delilah hates getting her wrinkles cleaned. She sees me getting the stuff and goes and hides and I have to either a)hunt her down and drag her out or b)bribe her with food. It's usually the first one..

But yes, they look raw. Under the nose rope is really bad. =/ That's where the gunk is mostly.
"Red, raw and sore". That about says it all. Maximus has a terrible time with irritated, red, raw and sore wrinkles. I've tried everything (Ask the folks on here, they know from all of my postings here) and nothing is working ----- not the Mal-A-Ket wipes, not the Desitin, not the Gold bond powder. I finally found some Chlorhexidine skin cleanser so I wouldn't have to keep buying wipes. So now I will try and get some Panalog from the VET and see if that works any better.

Between his Allergies and skin problems, I'm at my wits end !
[MENTION=701]Maximus[/MENTION] gotta love the bullie skin problems and allergies, eh? it stinks!

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