Is there a story behind your bully's name??


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
Stig's registered name is 'The Stig'. He's named after a driver from a popular British car show called 'Top Gear'. Do you know it? The Stig's a car tester/driver and wears an all white racing suit with a helmet always on, so you don't know who's behind it. In short, top gear = bf's fave show, stig = 'The Stig" = all white = just like my Stiggy!

[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION] Ah ha!!!!! Everytime I looked at that name I always wondered if he was named after Top Gear!! Now I have the answer! :up:


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
[MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] - lol. Yay, another top gear fan =). It's funny everybully's name suits him/her. I can't ever see Stig not being Stiggy, or even your Daddy not being Daddy. Great dedication by the way. :D


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
This is an old thread but I love it! Thinking maybe some of us newer peeps would like to tell the story behind their bully names! I'll start! :lol: well..we let our granddaughter Ayden..age 7...make a list of potential names. Then we voted on it! Democracy in action! She had 200 names..:eek: and some were...well let's just say very creative! Dave and I narrowed the never ending list down to 5 names and Jake won! Naw....WE won..cuz we have Jake!


Apr 27, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Sarah aka cow
sarah's nickname cow started as a joke from the movie sweet home alabama. Sarah has this thing where she will sit down and then fling herself onto her back. no laying down and rolling over for her. It is so funny to see her sitting next to me on the couch and then before i know it she has flung herself onto her back. I had just saw that movie sweet home alabama and it reminded me so much of the part where she had cow tipped when she was younger. I made up this joke about sarah and cow tipping and showed it to my bf when he got home. it was so funny and we laughed our heads off that somehow the name cow just stuck after that. so now she is sarah or cow or cow cow. funny the places our pets names can come from.


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Washington State
Bulldog(s) Names
Valentine and Dolly
We've had:

Syd--rescued so she already had her name
Polka--my daughter saw her be born and she had a dot so she called her polka...daughter was 2.5
Valentine--breeder named her and she was born on valentines day and has a heart on her hind leg
Dolly--adopted...already had her name


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Community Veteran
Aug 20, 2010
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Chunk aka Chunkster, Chunky Monky, Sir Drools-a-lot, Wrinkles Magee
Chunk came with his name from his previous mommy. He was named after the movie "The Goonies" which we happen to love too so it is perfect!


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Rocky, Rocks,Papa, Charlie lol i dont know y
Its kind of a sad story....

My dad told us that when we were little that the man who lived above us (owner of building) had a EB named rocky...I guess the man didn't take care of him and left him one day in hot porch and he overheated and passed....:'(...... Poor dog

So we were thinking of names... And my dad kept yelling ROCKYYYYY...ROCKY...ROCKY....ROCKKKKKYYY...and it just stuck...

We felt bad, and wanted to give him a good name and remember the poor bubba who didn't have a chance....poor guy...!!

My tough guy dad almost shed a tear....

Jenna Zepeda


I am in total control....I think
Feb 25, 2011
Louisville, KY
Bulldog(s) Names
Gator & Lucy Goosey, the Basset and Gigi (AKA Gypsy)
Gator~ My husband didn't really want to get a puppy so my daughters and I went to look at them and my husband stayed home. When we saw him, d my 6yo said, Daddy would name him Gator (my husband went to UF). So we went home and I showed my hubby a picture and said that our daughter named him Gator. That is how I got him to cave on buying him. lol.

Gypsy~ again my husband wasn't too into getting a second puppy (or so I thought), especially since we hoodwinked him into Gator just a few months before but I managed to get him to come with us to look. He REALLY liked one of the boys but two seconds after I walked in the door, I just focused on Gypsy so he caved and let me choose her if he could name her. Turns out that the man that didn't want a puppy had ALREADY looked at names online and picked one!!! I think this time he tricked me :). We call her Gypsy Rose because she has a white face and her skin looks pink like the rosebush outside the door.


Heff used to be a stud dog so when we bought him we changed his name to Heffener (Hugh).


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Aug 13, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
lex 19 months
Lex is Jeffs dream dog and when we went and looked he feel in love w lex. So we started thinkin of names and jeff said lex, like lex Luther, cause he wanted him to be a king we thought that fit him great. The other day maddy, Jeffs oldest girl, said I was lookin up what names ment and guess what lex's means? Of course we couldn't figure it out. She said it means king, and oooo that name has set w him his whole life. He is definitely the king around this house!! It was cool cause we had no clue that that's what lex ment.


New member
Jun 7, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Wrigley (Wriggers, Wrigster, Mister Wrigs, Fatman, Lil Fatman)
Awesome thread...there's not much of a story behind Wrigley's name. I am a huge Cubs fan and I thought naming him after the Cubs field suited him.


Delilah's Personal Slave
Community Veteran
Feb 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
I was originally going to get a male bulldog from a different breeder and already had a name picked out..I was going to call him Romeo. Mostly because bulldogs are my true love and owning one would be a dream come true..haha. Cheesy, I know. Plus I like the name. When I get a male..I'll probably name him Romeo.

Needless to say things fell through with that breeder and I ended up contacting a different one and found little miss Delilah's picture and fell in love. She was either going to be Dolly or Delilah..I eventually chose Delilah, it just seemed to fit. Not really a huge story behind it but it's a cute name. :)

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