Introducing a Senior Bully?

If you can stand the racket, I do all at once, right there in the middle of the room. There is a different dynamic when the dogs are alone compared to how they are individually. I don't know if the way I do it is the right way or not, I just know that it's always worked for me. The only dog that I didn't crate in the beginning is Athena. First reason is because I didn't/don't have a crate big enough for her. Second reason is that she is so submissive that I felt confident skipping the crate and going straight to the leash.

That "special person" bit should have told me right there you were talking about yourself. You're "special" alright :sarcastic:

I can handle the racket. :up: I will keep Jack and Wilson separate those because Jack gets too excited and Wilson, well doesn't like it and that would be a perfect storm for a fight to break out. I'm hoping she trained enough that she won't run away if off leash. I'll keep her on leash for a while (she's not leashed trained either).

It's wonderful to be so special if even in my own eyes. :ROFL:
Sally has also had some teeth pulled, apparently she had some very bad teeth. I'll get her dental records and any other records they have on her...they microchipped her too.

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