Iam still looking for a female english bulldog

bulldog diva

New member
Jan 31, 2010
phoenix AZ
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutakiss King
Iam still looking for a female english bulldog friend for my baby he seems to getting worse he wont even eat now no matter what i try to feed him:( i really cant loose him it will completly break my heart so iam still looking for a female to give a good loving home to, I would really like a compaion/playmate for my baby so if you are looking to rehome your bulldog girl for any reason please contact me. i would really like one under 3 years of age that way my babies can grow up together i have a 1 year old son so the dog needs to be good with kids dont worry he is not mean to dogs he just likes to cuddle with them and take their toys lol :p

I have refences avaliable from people that can atest to the way i care for my pets and the people i got my bulldog from who come and see him from time to time i would love for you to be able to come see him from time to time as well i dont believe in taking pets away and never letting their prior mommy and daddy see them:)

please help me find a friend for my baby
please message me back i would like more info on her i will give you my number so we can talk
Well Im from California and the dog is good but just didnt have the time to train her plus Im expecting soon so I dont really have time for her right now. One thing about her she likes to chew alot so thats kind of the only problem with her but i guess that just the way they are until someone trains them. If you would like more info I'll give you my email then we can talk that way just let me know.
You might want to try LOVE-A-BULL rescue in Arizona.Karen always has Bullies to adopt.You might have to wait for just the right one to come along because they have to be careful when there are young children involved.You might want to get on a list for a puppy.Worth filling out an app.Good Luck


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