I want this for Samson so bad!!!


New member
May 7, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
I went to my feed store to order our next bag of food today (my feed store rocks, they don't carry Fromm but they'll special order it for me if I come in and put down a deposit). They had this shirt there and I thought it was SOOO cute, perfect for Samson. He's a bully and I do love him, very much! Oh and it glows in the dark, had to share :) (sorry about the poor photo quality, took it with my phone and I don't have a cool guy phone with a good camera)

It's cute!:yes:

I wonder if the glow-in-the-dark would freak him out though?
I :heart: it!! Did they not have it in his size?? Sat. when I went to Petland ( last time EVER!!) to get Vegas's food, they had all kinds of costumes for dogs, but NONE in his size, all made for little ones??
I :heart: it!! Did they not have it in his size?? Sat. when I went to Petland ( last time EVER!!) to get Vegas's food, they had all kinds of costumes for dogs, but NONE in his size, all made for little ones??

They had all kinds of sizes, from very small to really big. The problem I have with buying clothes for Samson is if I buy a shirt big enough to fit his wide chest then its too big everywhere else. Except Lou, no one makes clothes that fit the unique bully body. I still may get it though :)
They had all kinds of sizes, from very small to really big. The problem I have with buying clothes for Samson is if I buy a shirt big enough to fit his wide chest then its too big everywhere else. Except Lou, no one makes clothes that fit the unique bully body. I still may get it though :)

How true!! The shirts I have bought for Vegas for different occasions, are tight across his broad chest, and hang near the end!! AND He HATES when I dress him!! lol...I do it anyway.....

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