How many trainers?

Now mind you this was 9 yrs ago, but with Banks we did the 'Petsmart' classes with her and then we sent her to boot camp for a week which was $500.00. Then we did the in home with vibration collar that was another 150$ plus $200.00 for the collar, but included as much follow up sessions as needed till we were comfortable with the collar and how/when to use it. over all, it was a full year of training and $$$ to get Banks in line and listensing to our commands... she was a tough nut to crack! :heart: :heart: :heart:

That beautiful girl was a real "Bitch" (yeah corny but I couldn't resist) :D... miss hearing about her :(
That beautiful girl was a real "Bitch" (yeah corny but I couldn't resist) :D... miss hearing about her :(

Oh hell she was... and I loved every minute and would do it again in a heart beat! Still shedding tears for her almost daily... miss my beeochy girl!
If you did, you'd make a ton of money here. Dog training seems to be a huge moneymaker for many people these days.
Even dog walkers charge $20 for a half hour walk here. You see them out with 3 dogs at a time. I'm starting to consider it!

WHAT?!! I need to move to NY… Lol :w00t:
Oh, prices do differ! Although I'm sure private trainers here may charge hefty sums too, we paid some 75 USD for six or seven 2h classes (one trainer and perhaps eight puppies) with a non-profit dog training association closely affiliated with the Swedish kennel club. Good obedience training - both theory and practice, and focus on everyday situations. We also had to pay a membership fee - perhaps USD 35 a year - but that gives us access to their activities and a big fenced in area for training.

Not sure how things work in the US, but perhaps you can get recommendations on non-profit organizations with courses/trainers etc via the American Kennel Club?
On average, how many have you taken your baby(ies) to a trainer/behaviorist for something?

Currently we're just finishing puppy class at petsmart. Most of you know Chubbs has RG

What's RG?

RG = resource guarding
Basically meaning their aggressive with their resources such as food, water, toys, etc. The dog claims certain things as theirs and if you come near them, beware. Not sure if you read one of the previous comments but their dog was aggressive towards the humans bed.
On average, how many have you taken your baby(ies) to a trainer/behaviorist for something?

Currently we're just finishing puppy class at petsmart. Most of you know Chubbs has RG

What's RG?
Now mind you this was 9 yrs ago, but with Banks we did the 'Petsmart' classes with her and then we sent her to boot camp for a week which was $500.00. Then we did the in home with vibration collar that was another 150$ plus $200.00 for the collar, but included as much follow up sessions as needed till we were comfortable with the collar and how/when to use it. over all, it was a full year of training and $$$ to get Banks in line and listensing to our commands... she was a tough nut to crack! [emoji813] [emoji813] [emoji813]
Yea, those collars are pricey and I'm not fond of the idea. However, with me on blood thinners it looks like hubby is abusing me. *sigh
Oh, prices do differ! Although I'm sure private trainers here may charge hefty sums too, we paid some 75 USD for six or seven 2h classes (one trainer and perhaps eight puppies) with a non-profit dog training association closely affiliated with the Swedish kennel club. Good obedience training - both theory and practice, and focus on everyday situations. We also had to pay a membership fee - perhaps USD 35 a year - but that gives us access to their activities and a big fenced in area for training.

Not sure how things work in the US, but perhaps you can get recommendations on non-profit organizations with courses/trainers etc via the American Kennel Club?
I figured prices would vary but just wanted something. Good idea about the Kennel club, didn't even think about that, thx!
We've done one puppy class that was 700 plus it's required a private lesson first which was another 200.

Then we had a trainer from the Andrea Arden. Bought the 3 lesson package for 425. Otherwise, it would of been 150 per hour after the initial consultation of 175.

The person we're using now charged 1,500 for 12 lessons. But, it's a lifetime contract. Meaning he's there for current behavioral issues, and any future problems should they arise. Sounded good in theory, in practice though, no idea how it would work.
I kinda regret doing it now.

I would ask for two things (from the person from Petsmart)- what kind of training does she have, and references from her private clients.
I'll definitely ask for experience & private clients. I'm glad I don't have to ask about 'the best' in the area. His and the trainer's experience is right there on the website. [emoji3]
I have used PetSmart in the past for training… we live out in the boonies. I found a great trainer actually thru FB, and for the puppy classes she charged us $120 for one hour classes lasting 6 weeks. She does offer private training, which I think I'm going to need to address some of Wally's issues… I'm just waiting till he turns a year old. I would say go on social media and get feedback from people that have used a trainer… Leah gets dogs from the shelter and trains them to be PTSD dogs for soldiers here in our area. She's been working w/dogs for over 20 years so she has a LOT of experience…
That's awesome! Wish we had someone like that around here. Maybe we do and I just don't know it.
Well, without knowing how Chubbs is or what RG is, declaring a pup "red zone" sounds odd to me.
We've been to puppy, obedient and different fun & games classes in one training center and the prices were maybe about 80 dollars per course, 5x1 hour. I may have to move to the states and become a trainer...
RG is resource guarding. Basically, aggressive towards anyone that comes near 'their' things. Such as food, water, toys, even a leash in our case.

I agree with the red zone however I sent video to the trainer. But still, it doesn't make sense with her making the decision just off a video. I'm in communication with another trainer who's also seen video. They haven't mentioned red zone. Instead, that they need to meet me, hubby, Chubbs, our lifestyle, etc.

It's very scary at times yet I'm not afraid anymore. At one point, my 6 year old cat protected me. It was very strange. *shrug
Wow the rates of trainers there are astounding! And here i am thinking 10 Euro per hour is expensive (11.55$)! Here you pay about 150-300 Euro (173-364 $)a month for obedience schools. And pay about 15-35 Euro (17-40$) per hour if you want a private trainer. There's even an obedience school here for 35 Euro a month and you can go as often as you need or want to. And 25 per visit if you don't want to pay the monthly rate. Training dogs there is a very lucrative business!
I wish!!!!!! Haha
That's awesome! Wish we had someone like that around here. Maybe we do and I just don't know it.

If you are on FB just ask if anyone local can recommend someone… or go on Angie's List or Yelp.

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