Habs just eliminated a very good team.
They will have their hands full against either the Bolts or Isles.
Should be a fun Cup finish.
Habs just eliminated a very good team.
They will have their hands full against either the Bolts or Isles.
Should be a fun Cup finish.

Habs needs to keep them young speedy Gonzalez on the ice.
Hope to see ya at the dance, our game seven is tonight. My daughter and Sir Charles Barkley when he was a pup, he's almost 5 now, its great to look back Eh! Good Luck. Go Bolts!!

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Good luck!!!

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You know you can ALL toot for whoever wins tonight on your side. I wonā€™t get offended. Lolll

Butā€¦ā€¦ :p

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