Gene's Saturday out.

Gene_the demon

New member
Oct 22, 2010
El Paso, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Gene "The Demon"
Its very rare To see an english bulldog here in el paso, three weeks ago i took gene to petsmart to get him food and a new harness & leash. and we came across 5 bullies! and a victorian bulldog! i was not able to get a picture of all of them together but i got these two.


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I would love it so much to see another bully in this town! I want to set up a play-date but I think I have the only one.
That is awesome. I know one other
couple that has a Bulldog. I don't want Jozi
around him. He has bad manners. It
might rub off on her.
butler needs a bully play friend. other dogs just don't understand him. he barks when he wants to initiate play, but other dogs get all freaked out. lame! butler loves everyone he meets and i wish he could have an animal buddy to play with.
My neighbors have two bullies. But they are small and i think they are scared Beefy may hurt them playing because he is soooo BIG:bully:
Lol at our local dog park they have two sections one for big dogs and one for small dogs, i have to take gene to the big dog side because sometimes theres miniature chihuahuas etc and he is just way too rough with them and i can tell the owners get a bit worried. Gene is used to big dogs because of my shepherd.
[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] : A victorian bulldog is almost exactly like an english bulldog "minus the health issues" and are a lot bigger in length usually they look like huge sausages with a EB face :lol: but they are still adorable

Thats a good example of one, sometimes they look they same in pictures but theres a huge difference in person
gene has gotten big!!! we still interact with our breeder she kept one of the boys from lex's litter he his half blind in one eye and we have play dates and let the litter brothers play together and she brings the mom sometimes too
[MENTION=1041]lexterwayne[/MENTION]: they grow up way too fast! but they still act like big puppies for a while so its all good :D
unfortunately for us the breeder is an older lady and lives about 40 miles away, her husband is a vet who is missing a hand and has constant surgery on his back. :(
@gene_the_demon ya that does suck that they live so far away. where do they live we are in tx too... its hard to believe but lex will be 1yr feb 2nd :( my poor baby is growing up :*(
[MENTION=1041]lexterwayne[/MENTION]: we are in el paso but they live in a little town right outside of the state line called chaparral, NM.
aww but sometimes i kinda look forward to have a lazy huge couch potato bully :lol: i love lex though, i wanted an all white one too but when the lady showed me gene i fell in love with him. who knows maybe ill get a new addition with the tax returns :up:
@gene_the_demon thats cool did yall get any snow we are in abilene and we just got rain :( ya lex sure is gettin to be a couch potato lol jeff has always wanted a white one and hes the one that picked out lex he kept saying you want him i was like he's yours you pick. guys lol. we are looking to adopt this one eb in dallas hes a cutie!

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