Gator treats anyone??


May 19, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
A friend of mine went to Costco and bought some Gator treats, made in USA. She knows I am trying to train Tucker so she brought a baggie full for me.... Peeeewwww do they smell, of course Tucker eats them but I am not running out to buy them, once the bag is opened you're ruined for the day, the odor is STRONG!! Has anyone tried these? They are a soft cookie.

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never heard of them and probably would not be in the market anytime soon based on that smell you are describing :barf:
Yep sounds disgusting

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Never heard of them either...I use dehydrated green Tripe....Still a bit of a yuck factor to me lol! I am waiting on some rooster tops that someone is making for Mr. B!!
Thanks for telling me. Recently I was looking in a catalog I regularly purchase from and saw those. They also have one made with crawfish. Glad I didn't buy them.

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