First Vet Appointment


New member
Dec 21, 2010
South Dakota
Bulldog(s) Names
I took Louie in for his first vet appointment today. Things went well they were very nice to him, gave him treats while they checked his temperature. They said he was cleaner then most puppies they see. The vet also weighted him and he is at 19 pounds now. I had one concern which is the fact that his testicles haven't dropped yet and the vet is pretty sure they won't. I think maybe when he gets maybe six months or older and they haven't dropped he might need surgery.
Has anyone else experienced their male bulldog being a "late bloomer"?
I am curious to see what the responses will be. When Brodie (was still with the breeder) was getting his 9 week check up, before she would let him fly, she called and said the same thing and that the vet recommended getting him taken care of and she said if we wanted to get that done she would do it then and pay for it. I kinda felt trapped and said "ok". I told our vet and they thought he was young for them to have jumped the gun...oh well not much we could do after the fact. Good luck, can't wait to see the responses. By the way [MENTION=1625]SJQuirk[/MENTION], how old is Louie and that is what I wanted to name the name?
I haven't heard of the not dropping, 2 of my dogs were fixed and Bear's dropped ok. Sounds like he had a great visit. Was he the star of the office? Everytime I take Bear in everyone is notified and they all come in to see him, even the doctors. As if they never seen an English Bulldog before, lol.

Glad he is doing great!
Guinness's dropped in the past week; the vet said he would have had to have surgery if one of them didn't drop, as one was pretty high up
Glad the visit went good. Hopefully
they will on there own, and they won't
have to do anything.
Louie just turned four weeks old, I was hoping to get him neutered by six months but plans may have to change.
if they don't drop on their own, the neuter will just be a more intrusive surgery. it can still be done, just more costly.

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