Distended stomach on 8 year old bulldog


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Oct 13, 2023
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone,

Over this weekend, I noticed my bulldogā€™s stomach started to look a bit bigger than usual. I immediately researched the symptoms of bloat, and discovered that, other than the distended stomach, he showed no other signs. His gums look normal, he hasnā€™t tried to throw up, his laying down/sleeping habits are still normal, and doesnā€™t seem to mind when I touch his stomach. However, I know that (just like with any other condition) it can happen differently, so I called the vet and set up an appointment for tomorrow. Should I be so concerned? I plan to monitor him closely between now and then to see if his symptoms get any worse. If it means anything, I recently switched his food from Orijen Six Fish to Horizon Legacy with salmon (weā€™re feeding him the measurement the food suggests and splitting it to twice a day), and I donā€™t know if the gas is from that, or from something else.
If you have had the unfortunate experience with bloat, what was it like, if you donā€™t mind my asking?
Sorry for the jumbled post; I just want to make sure Iā€™m doing everything I can for my pup.
I have no experience with bloat but sending positive thoughts that its nothing serious!!
You are doing the right thing by seeing the vet. Bloat happens quickly and is considered an emergency so I don't think that is your concern by your description. You are doing the right thing by seeing the vet though even if it could be something as simple as gas!
I had two experiences with a distended stomach with the same dog. My beloved Chumly. I have to stress he was an old dog and the swelling was quite obvious. The first was suspected hemangiosarcoma of the spleen. He was 11 at the time and I was terrified. Surgery is the only way to tell so he had his spleen removed and all was well, If left untreated, they can haemorrhage and die. Thank God it was benign and he did just fine. The second time, a year later, he was diagnosed with Congestive Heart failure. Meds helped for quite a while and he lived as normal a life as possible for an old boy. Those are two extreme cases and I am not trying to scare you, however, it is always best to have anything like that checked out. Just to be on the safe side!
Let us know how he gets on.
Good to have things checked. A minor case of bloat can be just some gas. A serious case can be caused by a twisted intestine, which you would know. He would be in pain, probably drooling, possibly trying to vomit.
I recently had to find a slow-feed bowl, as my bullie started eating so fast which could cause bloat, also drinking too much too fast. Hope your dog is fine, and just had some gas. Good to check with your Vet.
Hi everyone,

Over this weekend, I noticed my bulldogā€™s stomach started to look a bit bigger than usual. I immediately researched the symptoms of bloat, and discovered that, other than the distended stomach, he showed no other signs. His gums look normal, he hasnā€™t tried to throw up, his laying down/sleeping habits are still normal, and doesnā€™t seem to mind when I touch his stomach. However, I know that (just like with any other condition) it can happen differently, so I called the vet and set up an appointment for tomorrow. Should I be so concerned? I plan to monitor him closely between now and then to see if his symptoms get any worse. If it means anything, I recently switched his food from Orijen Six Fish to Horizon Legacy with salmon (weā€™re feeding him the measurement the food suggests and splitting it to twice a day), and I donā€™t know if the gas is from that, or from something else.
If you have had the unfortunate experience with bloat, what was it like, if you donā€™t mind my asking?
Sorry for the jumbled post; I just want to make sure Iā€™m doing everything I can for my pup.
Any update? How is your boy doing?

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