English Bulldog Cherry Eye- When does it need surgery?


New member
Nov 5, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey guys...Paulie has cherry eye and the vet wants to have him get surgery... We have had him on the eye drops when it has acted up before but now it has been 4 days with no change. It's still popping out. What do you guys think I should do? I have heard some of you say you have managed it... It seems to go away each night and then come back about 2 hours after he wakes up. I really, really, really don't want him to have surgery, but at the same time I don't want anything bad to happen to him because we waited. Plus she is charging us 800$...does that sound right? It just stinks to be honest. Just after I think we have the food stuff figured out, this happens :(

We were going to have him in this afternoon, so if there is another solution I would be very open and interested to hear about them. Thanks a million guys, as usual.
Re: New Bully owner, need help!

I'm in the same situation too. Stig's cherry eye used to contract back in the first couple of weeks, but now have been out for almost two weeks. The vet gave us an antibiotic to reduce the swelling and advised us that rinsing his eye with an herbal tea is also good too. There are two type of surgeries - one where they take the whole cherry eye (eyelid) out or the one where they staple (or some other method) it in. I keep on reading that the former will cause them to get dry eye down the road and the latter, most likely, isn't a permanent solution as it can pop back out. I still haven't decided what's best and really want to avoid surgery too. $800 does sound like it's too much though. Hopefully someone here can share their experience(s).
I am no help here but just make sure your vet has a LOT of bully experience before letting them do any surgery. would be so sad to lose your baby over something that should be fairly easy.
Mello has had Cherry eye since she was about 6weeks old.... My vet said to wait as long as it doesn't bother her, which it doesn't....and her eye is not dry. He wanted to wait to make sure her other eye didn't get one. So now Mello is 5 months and the vet said he would do it any time, but I am waiting for her to be old enough to be fixed at the same time so she is only being put under once. Mello's never goes away, and I don't think I have the stomach to put it back. So any way next month she will be old enough to be fixed and have her eye fixed...... oh and 800. that Vet is some kind of crazy.... our vet was going to charge for just the cherry eye and the tests before putting under less then 300.00, of course now it will be higher with having her fixed too.... Even Echo when he had his three hernias done with all the tests before was less then 600.00.
That price does seem rather expensive to me. Important too to ask how many cherry eye surgeries they have preformed and what type of anesthesia they use.

Has your bully been rubbing or itching the eye? If so, I would try putting a cone on for a week and see if it helps? Sometimes irritating the eye is what causes it to pop out.
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] - do bulldogs need a specific type of anesthesia?
If at all possible, using isoflorine only (gas) is best. Using heavy anesthesia like propofol has risks. I learned the hard way when Molly had her pups. Although she was okay, 6 of her puppies died because they would not wake up. I have since seen many other cases of owners losing their bulldogs due to anesthesia, including [MENTION=907]ohiostatebulldogs[/MENTION] .

I would talk to your vet about this and also call several other vets in the area and find out what each of their anesthesia protocol is on a cherry eye surgery. I am going to personally call two bulldog vets in my area and ask them what they use and I will get back to you.
@desertskybulldogs - thanks for the info. Stig's getting neutered next Tuesday and I guess it's best to talk to them about their procedure. I'm still undecided about what to do about his cherry eye, though. It's such a difficult decision ...
Yes, both of them use only isoflorine for spay, neuter and cherry eye surgeries. So make sure your vet is only using isoflurane. (<---correct spelling btw)
thanks thus far guys. I'm really worried. My vet was talking about doing the staple deal, where they tuck it back in a suture it. The eye still seems to be wet and NOT dry, and it doesn't seem to be itching him too much, so that is good. Thanks for the 'gas' tip if he has to go under, I really appreciate it.

How long can I wait to make a decision? Am I risking anything by waiting? Is there anything I can do to try and get it to go away? I've tried massaging the gland, but that doesn't work and sometimes it almost makes it seem worse...thanks again everyone, Paulie, Faith and I appreciate it!
Besides looking unsightly, cherry eye does not hurt them as far as I know. So you can wait. I would leave it alone as much as possible and maybe try giving him some benedryl to see if it is a result of eye swelling/allergies. If it keeps coming back I would definitely get some other quotes from other bully vets. $800 is a bit outragous I think.
Maybe I don't fully understand what cherry eye is, but sometimes Lola will scratch around her eye or rub her face on the carpet and her "third eyelid" will pop out. But all I do is massage the skin right under it and it goes away until the next time she does it. is that the same thing?
I'm not familiar with cherry eye either. Is this something that if Chester was going to get, he would have had by now?? He doesn't have any eye issues (knock on wood)..and I hope he never does :whew:

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