Does your bully get the most attention wherever you go?


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
I just thought of this question because Stig's such a crowd pleaser.

First occasion -
I was picking Stiggy up from his dog daycare 2 weeks ago and the owner's husband was in the garage cleaning up. He saw me and said that he's so smitten with Stig and that he's such a delight to be around. (That was such a compliment because I don't think he's the type to say that often. :yes:) The owner also mentioned that she really likes his company when we picked him up last week.

Second occasion -
We were at the vet's last night and he got blood taken out of him twice on both arms(!). Once because they thought we were there for an allergy test and the second one was for to check what anaesthetic he requires for his neutering next week. And both times he didn't whine or cry. A couple of other dogs were also there to get blood drawn out and they were such barkers. In short, the tech thought that he was so adorable and forgiving and had a hard time letting him go :p. He was even following her after and wanted more attention!

Does your bully pull everyone's heartstrings? I swear Stig can be such an attention hogger! (hug)
Yes by far Cutty steals the spot light everywhere he goes also. I feel bad when him and Mugsy both go places cuz people overlook my little man and love on Cutty. I think most of it is bulldogs are so much more rare to see and catch people off guard maybe.
Yep definitely ... they both get attention wherever they go. Not sure why .. but I'm thinking it's that adoraBULL face!! :luv:
Samson gets alot of attention, especially from men, he is my man magnet LOL. People really seem to love beagles so my female beagle Loki gets alot of attention too when we go out. It seems to be pretty even for them it's just different kinds people are attracted to each of them.
Butler has girlfriends everywhere we go! Jessica at the vet's office gives him kisses on the lips, a couple girls at petco, a woman in my neighborhood who comes out of her house when she sees me walking him, and pretty much everywhere else we go, someone is bound to come over and pet him/rub his belly. he loves to go out because he knows he will meet new friends :)
Absolutely. When I took Bear to the bustop to pick up my son or the vets its mass hysteria with everyone trying to get to him. I was never like that with any dog until now, lol.

When I take him to the vets, the whole office is notified an English Bulldog is there and everyone comes to see him. One time, his main doctor wasn't seeing him I was just coming in to pick up heart worm meds and a tech came out and said that Dr. Roberts wants to see Bear. He was in SURGERY~!!! So the tech took him back so the dr could see him and give him kisses.

Its NUTS what these dogs do to people!
oh boy Gene LOVES the attention and he gets it literally everywhere we go! people will stop me for a good 5-10 minutes to pet and play with him. besides the fact that he's adorable, lol, i think its because you rarely ever see bulldogs here in el paso.

the first month i had him we went to the park and a guy had a huge dark-brindle Presa Canario and he got all excited with gene he kept telling me he thought he had the nicest dog in the park but that he was wrong that i did :lol:
I live in a "retirement town" in Florida so most people does not even know his breed. I have been told "that is one short PIT-BULL" he definately draws attention but I think because of his bottom teefers sticking out 99% of the time people are kind of stand-off-ish with him. I always say he dosen't bite but I can see a little fear. He will gather a crowd of lookers but again I have to explain his breed, then that is when I hear "Only a face a mother could love" and that makes me MAD!!! Again I would not say that about your child/grandchild so don't say it about my Vegas. I also like it when they ask how OLD he is and when I say a year and a half I get "he looks like an old dog" And I looooove it when they say "What did you pay for a dog like that??" I'll tell you some people make me :angry:
Oh my goodness yes! And it helps that he is so extremely gentle...but he's definitely the star of the show. We drive and he hangs his head out the window and people pull up next to us just to laugh at him and yell to us how cute he is :luv:
[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION], when people say "a face only a mother could love" i want to tear them into pieces! >.< if by mother you mean millions of awesome people!

i want to say "wish i could say the same for you" or "i was just thinking that about your son, or is that your daughter?" or just simply punch them in the throat.

RUDE. and they laugh at their own stupid unoriginal joke like they are a professional comedian or something.
Girls at Petsmart know Gracie by name now.... I heard one say, 'Here comes Princess Gracie' when we walked in recently. She is a hit wherever we take her but people are leary of that mouth..... if they only knew that they could get licked to death...:lol:
before we got lex we would always take our lab to the park and petsmart and they would just love him to pieces... now when we take both no one even pays bo attention anymore :*( i feel so bad so we have to make sure bo gets extra attention as well
[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION], when people say "a face only a mother could love" i want to tear them into pieces! >.< if by mother you mean millions of awesome people!

i want to say "wish i could say the same for you" or "i was just thinking that about your son, or is that your daughter?" or just simply punch them in the throat.

RUDE. and they laugh at their own stupid unoriginal joke like they are a professional comedian or something.

[MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION], No kidding!!!! I have said If I had a nickel for everyone that has said that response, Vegas would have a new bro/sister and it DOES insult me!!!! Really would you say that about someones child or where I live grandchild??? I think NOT, so don't say it about my fur-child!!!!! I think/know he is sooo handsome!!!! (and perfect) lol
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