Do you purchase your bully food online? If so what website do you use?


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
Bulldog(s) Names
I have been looking at some online petfood stores to purchase my fur-kids food from. I have never purchased their food online and wanted to know if anyone has any site suggestions?:bully:
Thanks!!!! I never leave my house lol. I work and go to school from home so its like a mission to run out and get food. I just started making their treats again and I cook their meals sometimes and alt with raw feedings so they dont get bored. Hopefully I can find a good online website that wont kill me on the shipping. Thanks again [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION]
I haven't ordered food online in years. I used to order from Petco, but then they changed and started charging shipping on food and it wasn't cheap shipping!
I am currently using Fromm, which I can't find on the island, so I order from . So far, fast dependable delivery.
Thanks!!!! I never leave my house lol. I work and go to school from home so its like a mission to run out and get food. I just started making their treats again and I cook their meals sometimes and alt with raw feedings so they dont get bored. Hopefully I can find a good online website that wont kill me on the shipping. Thanks again [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION]

I know what you mean, having my almost 2 year old daughter and being prego now going out to buy a big bag of food is a huge hassle. I stay at home and take care of everything here so going out for dog food really is a pain in my rear. lol. Home delivery is THE BEST! If my guy stopped delivering this was what I had planned on using so hopefully they deliver to your area or you can find something comparable anyhow.
Wow .... I just signed up for online delivery literally 5 minutes ago!!!!!

I have changed Maggie to FROMM Salmon n Veg and as she is doing so well on it that we will be keeping her with the FROMM 4 Star Salmon. Unfortunately, the nearest place that sells it is about 10 miles in a direction that I NEVER go. This place only sells the 5lb bags and it was costing me approx $19 for one bag. So it has really become an expensive hassle to get her food.

I have just spent ALL morning going through every single website that is on the FROMM list of suppliers and priced out how much each one would cost to ship a 30lb bag of the FROMM salmon to Medina (there's over 20 of them!). I've ended up going with, as they only charge a flat rate of $4.95 for shipping as long as you create a delivery schedule. So I should have my first bag shipped to me tomorrow and then the next one won't be until December as I've scheduled it for every 12 weeks. It's going to cost me $58.94 for a 30lb bag so a huge saving already and without the problem of having to drive a 20mile round trip!

They're on facebook and have a lot of followers so I'm hoping that they are fairly dependable!! They currently have a thursday special offer for FREE shipping on any order over $65 - apparently you use the gift code fb0930. Unfortunately, I only found this gift code AFTER I'd placed my order.

Hope that helps!!

Coupon code for petflow is englishbulldog for orders over $59 (edit post by desertskybulldogs)
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I just started using because it is actually cheaper than the nearest store that sells Fromm. I put in for my first order just this past Sunday and I got the food on Tuesday. So they are fast. They also give some discounts and I put myself on auto delivery so hopefully that goes well.

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