Digestive issues-Help


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Sep 26, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
I have two English Bully's I adopted one from my breeder as she was retiring her Carol a year ago. Carol has had projectile poop that is like a fawcett for the last 7 months. I have been to two vets onto a third one tomorrow. I have changed food three times last one Royal Canin gastrointestinal prescription food and I am now feeding her chicken and rice since she has lost weight and wont eat dog food. She has been tested for parasites, full blood panel, full fecal panel and ultrasound and the only thing that has come is high liver enzimes. Has anyone been through anything like this before she is really a sweet dog and I am so worried about her. She has been on antibiotics, probiotics, anti wormers, immodium type liquids. Etc. Has anyone seen this before and do you have any ideas? Going to a specialist tomorrow so I am asking for input.
Royal Canin and Hills are not good foods. Veterinarians sell it because they get paid. I would try a good quality food, such as acana or another grain free quality food.(people here recommend) if she will eat it, if her digestive settles down some with chic/rice. Try mixing a little at first with her chicken broth and chicken and rice to see is she will eat it. Give her some pumpkin(not pie mix-plain pumpkin canned)every day, and a probiotic. I give my dogs two tablespoons of plain yogurt before bed. I am sure some others will come and perhaps have more thoughts on feeding.
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Agree with all above. Royal Canin is full of grains n why your dog is pooping like a cow. With all the meds your dog has been n still on, her immune system has collapsed. Her gut flora is dead. for time being stick to the bland diet chicken n rice. Like mentioned the broth is key. Loaded of minerals. Do add fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies in between meals to get the gut going. Fermented as the ones you buy in the fridge section. Once all is back on track Acana duck would be better to start as a kibble as itā€™s easier to digest. Baby steps. But definitely get the gut on track n most definitely never feed Royal Canin, Hills, Purina. Not fit for any pets.
Agree with all above. Royal Canin is full of grains n why your dog is pooping like a cow. With all the meds your dog has been n still on, her immune system has collapsed. Her gut flora is dead. for time being stick to the bland diet chicken n rice. Like mentioned the broth is key. Loaded of minerals. Do add fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies in between meals to get the gut going. Fermented as the ones you buy in the fridge section. Once all is back on track Acana duck would be better to start as a kibble as itā€™s easier to digest. Baby steps. But definitely get the gut on track n most definitely never feed Royal Canin, Hills, Purina. Not fit for any pets.
Thank you
Oh MY, I have near the same story! I rescued a girl a few years ago and I have the SAME issues. Tudy has projectile poop very often, all tests normal except for high liver enzymes. I am also feeding Hill prescription! Iā€™ve always thought she had stress diarrhea. Iā€™m certain she was crated ONLY the first 4 plus years of her life. Since adopting her Iā€™ve divorced and moved several times. Sheā€™s been scared of near everything but steadily getting better and actually uses the doggie door now. Sheā€™s approximately 8/9 years old. Iā€™ve contributed her pooping to stress. But even on this prescription diet, she will turn into a faucet. I will try Acana as suggested and have used pumpkin before with good results sometimes. I dont know any other form of pumpkin except for the can mix type. Iā€™ve been giving her Demarin with milk thistle for her increase in liver enzymes, hoping to lower her labs and have dental work done and eye surgeries for both entropic and entropic lids. The biggest change has been an acute change in her porphyria. In just a few months she went from Snow White to dark dark in her wrinkles and her saliva from licking her paws.
Iā€™m going to keep an eye on this thread!
Royal Canin and Hills are not good foods. Veterinarians sell it because they get paid. I would try a good quality food, such as acana or another grain free quality food.(people here recommend) if she will eat it, if her digestive settles down some with chic/rice. Try mixing a little at first with her chicken broth and chicken and rice to see is she will eat it. Give her some pumpkin(not pie mix-plain pumpkin canned)every day, and a probiotic. I give my dogs two tablespoons of plain yogurt before bed. I am sure some others will come and perhaps have more thoughts on feeding.
Will try acana
Oh MY, I have near the same story! I rescued a girl a few years ago and I have the SAME issues. Tudy has projectile poop very often, all tests normal except for high liver enzymes. I am also feeding Hill prescription! Iā€™ve always thought she had stress diarrhea. Iā€™m certain she was crated ONLY the first 4 plus years of her life. Since adopting her Iā€™ve divorced and moved several times. Sheā€™s been scared of near everything but steadily getting better and actually uses the doggie door now. Sheā€™s approximately 8/9 years old. Iā€™ve contributed her pooping to stress. But even on this prescription diet, she will turn into a faucet. I will try Acana as suggested and have used pumpkin before with good results sometimes. I dont know any other form of pumpkin except for the can mix type. Iā€™ve been giving her Demarin with milk thistle for her increase in liver enzymes, hoping to lower her labs and have dental work done and eye surgeries for both entropic and entropic lids. The biggest change has been an acute change in her porphyria. In just a few months she went from Snow White to dark dark in her wrinkles and her saliva from licking her paws.
Iā€™m going to keep an eye on this thread!
will let you know what the internal doctor tells me tomorrow if it helps. Will talk to her about Acana as well. Tried demarin as well will see the result.
Hello all , just reading along and thought comment on the Pumpkin recommendations, see photos the Walmart need me carries the Great Value Brand of PURE PUMKIN (house brand)....located close to the PIE MIX the one we DON'T want!!
Has she been checked for an obstruction?
How much are you feeding?
How much does she weigh?
Has she ever been prescribed Metronidizole(Flagyl)?
Has she been checked for an obstruction?
How much are you feeding?
How much does she weigh?
Has she ever been prescribed Metronidizole(Flagyl)?
Tudy has not been checked for an obstruction. Iā€™ve changed her diet several times. Various grain free kibbles to home cooked. Sheā€™s VERY food motivated. She eats twice a day 1-2 cups at a time. Sheā€™s in the mid to high 50s in weight. She also on Apaquel and when I tried to take her off, she blew up everywhere! Sheā€™s been on Forti Flora for a few months with no relevant changes. Never had Flagyl that I can remember.
Has she been checked for an obstruction?
How much are you feeding?
How much does she weigh?
Has she ever been prescribed
Ok total newbie here. I thought I wrote a looong post about Tudy and what weā€™ve been thru since I rescued her, including before and after pictures concerning this porphyria and staining. Iā€™ll try this again. These are a year apart


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Pay attention the protein source tooā€¦ chicken is not alway a good option. Try duck or turkey, or even a novel pro like rabbit or goat
Oh hey thanks! I will use this for sure
Just make sure there is ā€œonlyā€ one ingredient which is pumpkin

Hello all , just reading along and thought comment on the Pumpkin recommendations, see photos the Walmart need me carries the Great Value Brand of PURE PUMKIN (house brand)....located close to the PIE MIX the one we DON'T want!!
View attachment 121624View attachment 121625
5gr of sugar? Hmmmm
Hi there! Just wondering what the specialist had to say? My Gus has had on and off diarrhea for about 8 months now. I've tried probiotics and chicken & rice and pumpkin, you name it. Vet had him do a round of flagyl along with B12 injections which stopped his house accidents but did not stop the diarrhea. As soon as he was done with the flagyl, the house accidents came back as well as the awful gas. The vet put him back on another 7 days of flagyl and then gave me a six week supply of tylan powder to use after the flagyl is done. She also had me switch him to Hills I/D which he hates and is not stopping his diarrhea. Also, he did have a full fecal panel and blood panel recently. His blood panel was normal except for something the vet said would be off because he's not absorbing nutrients due to the diarrhea. His fecal panel showed some bacteria which is why she did a second round of flagyl. She didn't do an u/s yet as I think she's trying the easiest path first, especially since the first round of flaygl stopped his gas and accidents. He's still playing and behaving normally, but I feel so bad that nothing is stopping his '"trots". Before I go searching for a new vet, can anyone tell me if they've had experience with tylan powder and how it worked?

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