Daily Poll: Has your English Bulldog had any formal training?

Daily Poll: Has your English Bulldog had any formal training?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Not Formal Training, but fully trained by me

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack

Daily Poll 1/3/2011: Has your English Bulldog had any formal training? If so, what kind?
Yes we did an 8 week course through Petsmart when she was a puppy, more for the socializing part. Some days she did really good then others her true "bulliness" would show and she would just lay on the ground and look at us like you do it!! Here is her graduation photo:

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No, Maggie needed no formal lessons on how to train us .... :lol:
Duke's never had any formal training. I don't think he even owns a tux or dress blues, but he's never been invited to a formal anyway. He's more of a layed back come as you are bulldog.

Have a great day,
Mike B.
Gracie walks fairly well on a leash, and seems to know sit. She is housebroken and has basic "manners" but she also has Bullytude with a pinch of Divatude. Training us to do it her way is still ongoing.
Duke's never had any formal training. I don't think he even owns a tux or dress blues, but he's never been invited to a formal anyway. He's more of a layed back come as you are bulldog.

Have a great day,
Mike B.
LMBO that is just to cute!!! But describes my feelings about Beefy exactly.
We did enroll Vegas, but the trainer was a "quack" he already knew sit, stay her main goal was to teach him how to fetch his own leash after the second week of her trying to teach this we were done. Other than the humping, he is really a good mannered dog, WHAT??? :eek: WHO am I kidding, he jumps, he licks, he farts, he does exactly what he wants to do when he wants to do it, BUT other than that.....:lol:
lex has just had home training from me.. i would like to take him to petsmart so he can learn some more things
We did enroll Vegas, but the trainer was a "quack" he already knew sit, stay her main goal was to teach him how to fetch his own leash after the second week of her trying to teach this we were done. Other than the humping, he is really a good mannered dog, WHAT??? :eek: WHO am I kidding, he jumps, he licks, he farts, he does exactly what he wants to do when he wants to do it, BUT other than that.....:lol:

So in otherwords he's a pretty normal bullie... ;)

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