Cooper throwing up again!



So it started he was throwing up went to vet got meds and he stopped throwing up for 3 days and the started again! Went to a different vet and got meds and canned food and he stopped throwing up for 3 days. We were on day 4 of no throwing up. I fed him this morning and gave meds and we have family here, and left the house today for 5 hrs and kenneled Coop. When I got home I fed him and gave meds and 3 minutes later he threw it all up! I am so frustrated and don't know what to do. I really didn't want them to scop his belly cause he will have to go under anesthesia.....I am also considering the the laser eye surgery cuz its only $400 and f I do the scope maybe to the lazer at same time if I can.....I am seriously getting so frustrated and i don't know what to do anymore. He will throw up after he eats, he throws up 3 hours after he eats, he will throw up 10 hr after he eat. Doesn't matter time or food. Dunno if he ate too fast today, strangers being at our house, or I was leaving right when he was throwing up so I don't know if he threw up cause I was leaving. Anyone have suggestions or had similar problems!

He is also limping now I think he got another cyst on his back leg. :shout:


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Feb 26, 2012
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Oliver and Ivy Claire
Aww, poor cooper and poor mama!!!:cry: scope sounds scary:scared:


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
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I'm going to tag [MENTION=2091]BabyDuke[/MENTION]..she had a very serious issue with her Duke..if it were me..I'd come from the place..that something serious is going on..try to figure it out..X-rays..maybe ultra sound..the scoping? But if it's an can behave very strangely. Also [MENTION=3139]Jack Daniels[/MENTION]


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Hey Meg.... did they xray Coop to see if there is anything in his belly or intestine? Or is the scope the only option? How bad is the limp and is there a lump on his leg?


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
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Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
[MENTION=4292]Cooper11[/MENTION] Oh my poor baby Cooper! Sorry that this is going on Meg! I hope its nothing but Im getting nervous now that something is wrong! We have been talking about this for 2 weeks so I really think something is going on that isnt normal! I say if he is having the eye surgey they can most likely do the scope as well! Brutus had 2 procedures at 1 time to avoid 2 separate...I wouldnt do any surgery until he is on a good food and eating something...well that is going to be hard since he cant keep it down but talk to the vet about that! I would def do the scope first before the eyes if need be just to get him eating normal again...He is still a baby and needs the nurtients and proetin...I am soo sorry and wish I was closer to help you out! Please let me know if you need anything...You know how to find me!


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Mar 3, 2012
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waiting for us at the rainbow bridge
cooper11 I am so sorry hon, I know you have been going through this for weeks, I wish I could help but hopefully someone here can. My thoughts are with you.
(PS, Have you talked to the person you got him from? Have they possibly had other dogs with issues like this?)


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Nov 20, 2011
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Poor Cooper! I know you said he was in his crate. Any chance the company slipped him a tablefood treat and that made him throw up?


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Feb 10, 2012
Bradford Pennsylvania
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Sarge and LuLu
I"m sorry Cooper for all the heartache your going thru, your poor baby must be drained from all the throwing up and all I would have him scoped out.I know everything will work out just be persistent and don"t stop until you have a definite answer on whats wrong. I"ll say a lil prayer for you guys. keep us updated!


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Dec 16, 2011
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[MENTION=4292]Cooper11[/MENTION] I am so sorry Cooper is vomiting again. I would let them scope him to find out if he has swallowed something he cannot pass. It will not show up in an x-ray. I had a yorkie that was vomiting intermittently like that and x-rays were taken without any answers. We waited too long to scope and during the autopsy a toy squeaker was found lodged in the stomach opening. It took me years to get over this. If a scope had been performed on my baby, the squeaker could have been removed during the procedure. A gastroscope only takes about 20 minutes and at least, you will have peace of mind that he is okay. I know anesthesia is risky an I know this is a very hard decision. Talk to your vet and see what he recommends.


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
Oh poor Coop! Something's going on. No time to waste. :hug: to you both, sure hope it turns out to no be to serious. This is a long time now to be throwing up.


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Feb 8, 2012
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Nigel and Talulah
I know it's scary and nerve racking for you both, sure hope your vet gets to the bottom of this mystery soon so Cooper can be his old self again. :/


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I'm going to tag @BabyDuke..she had a very serious issue with her Duke..if it were me..I'd come from the place..that something serious is going on..try to figure it out..X-rays..maybe ultra sound..the scoping? But if it's an can behave very strangely. Also @Jack Daniels

I have had 2 sets of blood work done by 2 different vets and 2 sets of xrays done by 2 different vets. I have spent over $700 in less than 2 weeks....I'm not concerned about the money thing I just want it figured out!! Thy said maybe scope down his throat and they put this fluid in him to see if his intestines and his food is going down right or if there is a blockage. I fed him 2 hours ago but didn't give him a lot. He has kept it down and I also soaked his feet in the tub with pson salt for 10 minutes for his cyst! I am just so wanting a fix. I was excited because this food and meds were finally helping. I am hoping it was just a fluke today and he just ate to fast or was upset that I was leaving again even though it was only to go down the street! Cooper is all I talk about and I am sure that my hubbies sister and kids think I am crazy, weird, and obsessed with my dog. I keep talking about cooper, his cyst, throwing up, and my EBN!! lol

Becky his face is so red. I am trying to concentrate on the tummy right now but his face bugs me so much. I have actually gotten rid of the tear stains :) but his eye folds are so red and raw thy look like they hurt. I am doing everything to keep his one side dry and nothing is helping. I know he has an allergy to something outside cuz he will wake up looking good and as the day goes on he gets redder and redder. But I just want to fix one problem at a time! I just feel so bad cuz I already feel like I'm not feeding him enough, no treats, no bones, nothing but this canned food and now the throwing up comes back,...We will see what tonight and tomorrow brings!


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[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] I noticed the limp last night on our walk. I thought maybe he was stiff or the road was bothering him or maybe even that I was seeing things and going crazy. We have family from out of state here and they came right after our walk and I felt bad cuz all my attention was on him. When we got home I really noticed the limp. it's not horrible looks like his leg is stiff...he does have a cyst on that foot I actually think he may ahev several and on all his paws. Read what I wrote becky above too about his face!

They have done xrays twice by 2 different vets and they came back fin. The scope is the last and final option for him. I just really didn't want to put him through that.

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