Help Needed! Collar wound


Arts'y bulldog farts'y
Community Veteran
Oct 5, 2012
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Sir Remington (Remi)
Morning, everyone. We've got a minor problem and just wanted your guys' opinion on it.

Remi and I were chillin' on the couch a week ago. I noticed here is a fresh blood smear on one of the blanket. Husband and I check him over, inch by inch, to find nothing wrong with him. We were even looking in his mouth. We figure maybe it was an old blood smear, so we turn the blanket over and see if it would happen again. Well, it did. Another small smear was on the blanket, so we knew Remi was bleeding from somewhere.

Husband was smart enough to remove Remi's collar, and I was totally horrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying::crying: I give this puppy a bath once a week, collar removed, and I never noticed these wounds that were forming way underneath his chin, in a fold. There was a little bit of blood, but nothing major. I cleaned it with Duoxo pads and put some Desitin on it to help with any irritation he's been feeling. I've been cleaning it with Duoxo pads twice a day, but haven't added anymore Desitin. We have also been leaving his collar off, and just putting a harness on him during the day. It's been a week.

Here is the wound after his bath today - (This is with his head lifted, a shot in between the folds)


Is it looking and healing OK? Has anyone else seen patterns like this? When should these start to diminish? Anything I could be doing better? Remi doesn't appear to be in pain and sometimes falls asleep as I'm cleaning these out for him, but obviously they look pretty sore. I just can't tell if they are getting any better or if his fur is just stained.

We just changed to a new food, but the placement of the wounds really suggest to me this was an irritation from his collar. We now know that when we do put his collar back on, we remove it at night for sure.


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It looks better than it did before if I can remember correctly. Didn't you post a picture of it before? Probably would be helpful for you to add it so we can compare? If it's an allergic reaction to the collar malecetic ultra will work wonders.... You are keeping it clean and dry so that is good.

Some bullies have a turkey neck pocket when wearing a collar.... They drink and the water gets stuck in there, causing a place for bacteria or fungal growth. Sometimes it can be the plastic or metal clips along with the water that give the allergic reaction.

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Arts'y bulldog farts'y
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Oct 5, 2012
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Unfortunately I was too panicked to take a before picture, so I don't have a comparison. I would absolutely describe this area as "turkey like".


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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I would leave the collar off when at home and just chillin' in the house... as Lisa stated -- water gets in there and can cause this problem. Also, curious, why are you bathing every week?


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Feb 16, 2012
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Tank's collar caused the same problem. Nylon collars can harbor bacteria and some dogs are allergic to nylon. I know some on here say no collar in the house, but I just don't like not having a collar with ID on my boy, should he ever get out. Our remedy to the skin problem was a good quality leather collar. No problems since! I found a rolled leather collar which work well with his thick, but short neck.

We founds ours on eBay. Great price, great quality.

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I don't use collars unless we leave the property, use a harness then, also, I have a fenced in yard.

water will stain the skin red under the chin, neck and around the mouth lines. After each drink you could dry his neck and chin.


Arts'y bulldog farts'y
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Oct 5, 2012
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Thanks for everyone's comments so far. I can't fathom not having any kind of collar or harness on Remi. Because he's a puppy, we have to take him out often, and putting collars/harnesses' on and off just isn't feasible when you have to rush him out during an accident. We also don't have a fenced in yard.

I have been meaning to get Remi a leather collar, so I will definitely do that sooner than later. Thanks, @Corlando465!

[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION], We walk Remi often and take him to parks, so he is usually physically dirty and smelly at this point, well past just using baby wipes. We also use a special shampoo/conditioner combo to sooth his itchy skin, which has worked wonders for him. I don't feel like I'm over-bathing nor the reason for the issue he's having. You disagree?



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Jan 15, 2011
Denver PA
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Jack , Dolly, Grizz, Peggy Sue, and Scrimps
Tank's collar caused the same problem. Nylon collars can harbor bacteria and some dogs are allergic to nylon. I know some on here say no collar in the house, but I just don't like not having a collar with ID on my boy, should he ever get out. Our remedy to the skin problem was a good quality leather collar. No problems since! I found a rolled leather collar which work well with his thick, but short neck.

We founds ours on eBay. Great price, great quality.

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ooouuuuu I love that collar


Arts'y bulldog farts'y
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Oct 5, 2012
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ooouuuuu I love that collar

DITTO! Just purchased. I was waiting until he was bigger, but obviously it's totally not worth it. I'll just buy him a bigger one later.


Crazy Bulldog Lady
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Sep 25, 2012
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I bought those collars because I really like the look!! but I had to return them because they would just flip right over Diesel's head when he looked down LOL was the craziest thing and if it was any smaller it would be too tight :( but he seriously has no neck lol he has his big head right on top of his big shoulders .. well maybe I'm exaggerating but seems that way when trying to fit a collar for him.

[MENTION=6280]ModernFemme[/MENTION] - have you considered the slip lead for a fast out the door potty trip? If Remi is good on a leash and doesn't pull that would be a good and fast way to be able to slip on a lead for those gotta go now moments


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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@2BullyMama, We walk Remi often and take him to parks, so he is usually physically dirty and smelly at this point, well past just using baby wipes. We also use a special shampoo/conditioner combo to sooth his itchy skin, which has worked wonders for him. I don't feel like I'm over-bathing nor the reason for the issue he's having. You disagree?

I should have explained why I asked, sorry..... when you bathe too often it strips the fur/skin of natural oils and causes dry skin and irritation. But if that is the only place with the issue -- it most likely is the collar


Arts'y bulldog farts'y
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Oct 5, 2012
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@ModernFemme - have you considered the slip lead for a fast out the door potty trip? If Remi is good on a leash and doesn't pull that would be a good and fast way to be able to slip on a lead for those gotta go now moments

Super great idea, perfect for a lazy sunday. I still feel weird not having all of his tags/info with him at all times. Does anyone keep a harness on their dogs all day long? Add tags?


Crazy Bulldog Lady
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Sep 25, 2012
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Super great idea, perfect for a lazy sunday. I still feel weird not having all of his tags/info with him at all times. Does anyone keep a harness on their dogs all day long? Add tags?

I try not to leave a harness or collar on my two, mainly because what if they get hung up on something in a different room and I'm not right there to help and they choke but my two also don't really like their harnesses but I have to walk them on them because they can both slip their collar super easy and fast! they don't do it to get away but if something startles them then they will but it has happened with Diesel twice in a busy parking lot so I don't take the chance anymore and make them wear a harness while on walks. but I figure when safe in my house or my secure fenced yard they don't need the collar on, and they are never outside if I'm not home and where I can see them. Is Remi micro-chipped?


Arts'y bulldog farts'y
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Oct 5, 2012
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Sir Remington (Remi)
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I try not to leave a harness or collar on my two, mainly because what if they get hung up on something in a different room and I'm not right there to help and they choke but my two also don't really like their harnesses but I have to walk them on them because they can both slip their collar super easy and fast! they don't do it to get away but if something startles them then they will but it has happened with Diesel twice in a busy parking lot so I don't take the chance anymore and make them wear a harness while on walks. but I figure when safe in my house or my secure fenced yard they don't need the collar on, and they are never outside if I'm not home and where I can see them. Is Remi micro-chipped?

Crazy!!!! I haven't thought of some of these things yet, because Remi is pretty much in my presence at all times, (puppy!) unless he's in the crate. We've initiated a new process for your reasons + the collar wound - by removing all collars/harnesses while he's in there. (Live and learn!!) Remi does seem to like the harness because he associates it with going someplace. The harness fits Remi fairly well these days; in the beginning, I was nervous about him slipping out of it. We do try to keep it fairly loose so it doesn't agitate him though. He seems fairly secure in it, and I feel like I can control him well without hurting him. Regardless, I don't really worry about him getting free on me. For me, it's the safest way to leave the house.

We got Remi microchipped 2 days after we got him, thank god. I'm guessing it won't help much against theft though.

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