Choking/gagging/throwing up???


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
The last month or so, Lola has been making choking sounds and/or gagging and throwing up occasionally. We tried a new food about a month ago (Fromm Gold), and after 3 days of throwing it up, went back to her old food (Fromm Surf and Turf). The only reason we tried to switch was because her tear stains came back. They are now gone again. Any idea what could be causing the gagging and choking? When I say choking, it's not like her airway is blocked or anything, it's just a hacking sound. Our vet did tell us she has an elongated palate and recommended surgery. I wanted to wait a bit to do that, and maybe get a second opinion. Could the palate cause the choking? I kind of thought it just caused breathing issues, but don't really know.
I would say yes the pallet makes a diff imo. Cutty doesnt have a long pallet tho and he hacks and stuff even but have noticed that Miila who does have a long pallet does it more often. I am not sure the food would cause it so much.
Sorry to hear Lola is having troubles! I'm afraid I can't help either but know that someone here will have some experience for you. I am interested in what folks will have to say. I haven't been here that long and my brain is chock FULL of new information - and getting more all the time. :) You can never know too much!

Bea will occasionally get a sour tummy (no idea why) and yack. That's when I give her a Pepcid AC and do the bland diet (canned chicken and white rice) for a meal or two and she's good as new. (Plus, she thinks she's in heaven because she loves "chickie and rice" <== and knows what that means ha ha)
Nitschke had the palate surgery and experienced all that prior to the procedure. Now, 5 years later he does still hack/choke but it is here and there nothing like it was. Also, have you had a full allergy blood screening done? Just before we had his palate reduction we had one done on Nitschke because of all the vomiting -- turned out his allergy is to rice which is what we were feeding him (Bland diet = chicken and rice) so, we were making it all worse but thinking we were helping. Not saying that is Lola's issue, but at least you can rule it out. Good luck
Gypsy does it occasionally. She did it at the vet once and they said it was normal. I was concerned too. Does it sound more like a cough? As though something is stuck in her throat?
Yeah, it usually sounds more like a cough, like something in her throat. Thanks everyone. I will ask about it next time we're at the vet.

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