Choking/gagging and coughing-Help!

His palate is getting checked next week So we know if thatā€™s part of the issue or not, and at least we will be aware if it has, but Hoping it hasnā€™t grown and itā€™s ruled out. Will update after it gets checked next week, if it is part of the issue or not.

Thank you, I will look into that.
Good to know those are good to help with congestion. I havenā€™t used a diffuser before or got any essential oils, all that is new to me.
You need an ultrasonic diffuser as it will break the oils up cause oil n water donā€™t mix. Thereā€™s a thread in here I started a while ago on Essential Oils. I say this often, if you donā€™t know or not sure what to do will oils, ask me. Oils are not to be used a dab here n there or mix this with that. Oils are very powerful. Why i always tell people to ask first. Good quality of oils is DoTerra. You buy it online. Stay away from Young Living for time being thereā€™s an issue for time. šŸ‘
You need an ultrasonic diffuser as it will break the oils up cause oil n water donā€™t mix. Thereā€™s a thread in here I started a while ago on Essential Oils. I say this often, if you donā€™t know or not sure what to do will oils, ask me. Oils are not to be used a dab here n there or mix this with that. Oils are very powerful. Why i always tell people to ask first. Good quality of oils is DoTerra. You buy it online. Stay away from Young Living for time being thereā€™s an issue for time. šŸ‘

Speaking of essential oils, I keep hearing and reading, ā€œdonā€™t use anything with essential oils like peppermint in dog products cause itā€™s toxicā€.

Rusty during the spring and summer needs daily baths to wash off all the environmental allergies(dermatologist instructions), and itā€™s worked last year, except I donā€™t like using the vet medicated shampoo for itā€™s antibacterial antiseptic and antifungual .

I found a dog shampoo bar(Legendary Canine brand, itā€™s the white soap NOT the black one. So it uses Peppermint essential oil, is this safe to use on Rusty with it containing Peppermint essential oil??

Is the peppermint essential oil safe in dog shampoo to use on him daily since itā€™s in the dog shampoo??

So much misleading info on google saying peppermint oil is toxic to dogs and shouldnā€™t be used around or on dogs.

Is the peppermint essential oil safe in dog shampoo?

Actually I just realized his Legendary Canine tooth dental powder contains peppermint essential oil, he isnā€™t allergic to it though.

Should I stop using this if peppermint essential oil is not safe for dogs??
Is this safe for dogs to have peppermint essential oil dental products and the dog shampoo that contains peppermint essential oil??
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You wash Rusty everyday? Youā€™re removing his natural oils n probably why heā€™s allergic to everything. Youā€™re over doing it to your dogs. I totally understand youā€™re worried n theyā€™re your life. But itā€™s not any better if dogs keeps getting sick or have little issues here n there on regular basis.

The more the better isnā€™t always betterā€¦..

Iā€™ve been doing EO for decades. Nothing is wrong with peppermint. Only issue will be if you have a cat. Peppermint n cats donā€™t go good together. So yes, avoid it if you have a cat in the house. Peppermint in a shampoo I personally wouldnā€™t use that if youā€™re going to wash your dog everyday as it will remove all oils from your dogā€™s coat. I wash my dogs 1-2x a yr. Unless they rolled in cow poop, well itā€™s another story.
You wash Rusty everyday? Youā€™re removing his natural oils n probably why heā€™s allergic to everything. Youā€™re over doing it to your dogs. I totally understand youā€™re worried n theyā€™re your life. But itā€™s not any better if dogs keeps getting sick or have little issues here n there on regular basis.

The more the better isnā€™t always betterā€¦..

Iā€™ve been doing EO for decades. Nothing is wrong with peppermint. Only issue will be if you have a cat. Peppermint n cats donā€™t go good together. So yes, avoid it if you have a cat in the house. Peppermint in a shampoo I personally wouldnā€™t use that if youā€™re going to wash your dog everyday as it will remove all oils from your dogā€™s coat. I wash my dogs 1-2x a yr. Unless they rolled in cow poop, well itā€™s another story.

No I do NOT bath Rusty daily, Iā€™m talking about during spring and summer when his allergies are at the worst and the skin infections would come up, due to the severe environmental allergies.

The dermatologist had me bath Rusty Daily for 4 weeks last year when he was constantly flaring up from pollen allergies! Then the maintenance was 2-3 times per week to wash all the environmental allergies off him to keep him comfortable during severe flare up times.

I have only been bathing him 1 day a week to maintain his skin now(again as per vet dermatologist), but I was saying, IF I had to bath him very other day OR every day for letā€™s say a month, NOT for 6 month straight, not what I was saying Helene, I havenā€™t been bathing him that often cause I donā€™t want to dry up his oils and skin and have to use the mousse from dermatologist to replace what I washed off.

Sometimes if allergies are very manageable, I bath him 1 day every 2 weeks, depending on how his allergies are.
I donā€™t like using that stuff from vet dermatologist, I try to go natural for that stuff too, I just have to find stuff he isnā€™t allergic to.

But NO I donā€™t wash him everyday, for the exact reason you stated. The amount of baths I have to give him during spring and summer will depend on how bad his allergy flares are, and what the dermatologist says.
If he gets a skin infection, he is completely resistant to every antibiotics, that there is NOT one that will work cause they overused it when they didnā€™t know his allergies existed at age 5 months. If I have to bath him daily for a week or so thatā€™s still better than immune suppressants from the vet, and only bath him daily if itā€™s absolutely NEEDED.

My other dogs, they get bathed 1-2 times a year at most, and they have more health issues than Rusty!

Just thought I would clarify thisšŸ‘ Please donā€™t take this the wrong way, I just wanted to clarify Iā€™m not causing my dogs any health issues and reasons why I have to bath Rusty more often than a healthy dog. šŸ™‚
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Peppermint in a shampoo I personally wouldnā€™t use that if youā€™re going to wash your dog everyday as it will remove all oils from your dogā€™s coat. I wash my dogs 1-2x a yr. Unless they rolled in cow poop, well itā€™s another story.

So I shouldnā€™t use the peppermint dog shampoo if I have to bath him 1-2 times a week or 3 days a week max if he needs it that much during allergy season????? Trust me, I donā€™t like bathing him this often the 1 day a week, but sometimes there is no choice if he actually NEEDS it!

Iā€™m not gonna destroy his immune system thru pharmaceuticals from the vet, or the steroids, apoquel or cytopoint or even Benadryl, so if I have to bath him a couple days a week or 3 days a week if his flare ups are bad for pollen allergies, well itā€™s better than using harmful things internally, that will cause WAY more health issues than the natural baths.

The only issue he has now that he need to see vet for is to get his Soft palate check to make sure itā€™s not blocking airway again, and just nasal congestion hopefully.
IVDD, Idiopathic Epilepsy, ingrown eyelashes, eyelid tumour, BOAS soft palate airways issues, or pancreatitis, or viral warts are NOT caused by the baths 1 day a week, they existed BEFORE I started bathing him(again Vet Dermatologist instructions), so I try to find alternative so I donā€™t have to use chemicals shampoo on him. His allergies are 100000% better than they ever were!

Just thought I would clarify that and the other responsešŸ‘ I donā€™t want anyone thinking Iā€™m causing my dogs health issues.

Please donā€™t take my responses the wrong way, I just had to clarify this and the response in the other response to you.šŸ™‚
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I donā€™t take any response the wrong way. Iā€™m very direct n it should be I saying that but most in here already know my direct responses šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø lolll

ā€œbath him 1-2 times a week or 3 days a week maxā€

that is a lot. Your dog is on a raw diet which basically eliminates a lot of allergies n not just on the food side. If youā€™re going to wash Rusty or any dog that many times, make sure you replenish the oils. Like massage with coconut oil after the wash or instead of washing, simply use example 2oz of fractionated coconut oil, 5drops of each: lavender, peppermint, lemongrass n 3 drops of Tea Tree. Shake well, spray n massage in then brush. See how that works. Btw, no mosquitoes or ticks will go on them. šŸ‘

At the end of the day itā€™s your dog. You most certainly do what you want.
I donā€™t take any response the wrong way. Iā€™m very direct n it should be I saying that but most in here already know my direct responses šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø lolll

ā€œbath him 1-2 times a week or 3 days a week maxā€

that is a lot. Your dog is on a raw diet which basically eliminates a lot of allergies n not just on the food side. If youā€™re going to wash Rusty or any dog that many times, make sure you replenish the oils. Like massage with coconut oil after the wash or instead of washing, simply use example 2oz of fractionated coconut oil, 5drops of each: lavender, peppermint, lemongrass n 3 drops of Tea Tree. Shake well, spray n massage in then brush. See how that works. Btw, no mosquitoes or ticks will go on them. šŸ‘

At the end of the day itā€™s your dog. You most certainly do what you want.

Yes that may seem like a lot of baths for Rusty, but if thatā€™s what helps him get thru allergy flares, I would rather that than a skin infection that canā€™t be treated.

I know the raw diet has helped Rusty and my retriever with allergies, Rustyā€™s flare ups have been minimal with the raw diet, but still flare up that I have to maintain thru baths and bovine colostrum and allergy specific immunotherapy from dermatologist(natural extracts of what he is allergic to, NOT chemicals going into him), but he is way better than he used to be, I just have to hope spring and summer donā€™t flare up as much as he did before immunotherapy started or raw diet.
His health has greatly improved thru the raw diet(same with my other dogs), but I canā€™t expect allergies to be perfect and no flare ups to happen, so I am trying to find something other than chemical based shampoo from dermatologist to bath him withšŸ‘

The Legendary Canine Fresh shampoo bar, that I was asking about originally, it has Coconut oil and peppermint and some other healthy oils, itā€™s made for frequent baths and for dry skin.

Since itā€™s already got the coconut oil and peppermint in it, do I still have to add more oils than that? @helsonwheels

Legendary Canine is the brand, if you want to look it up.
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