Chief turned 2!!!!


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Community Veteran
Jan 31, 2010
Apple Valley Ca
Bulldog(s) Names
Sir Pendragon of Brymar(Chief for short) And Lady Ireland of Brymar
Well it was on the 16th.. But we got him a nice bone, and icecream treats... My two children were in the back yard singing Happy Birthday to him with all the other dogs around and giving them Icecream treats too... Well my neighbor had someone out with her horses. I wonder what they were thinking lol.. It was too cute...
Happy birthday Cheif! Sounds like you had fun!
Awe Happy Birthday Bruno.
[MENTION=18]Pendragon[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1104]jortiz9758[/MENTION]

happy belated birthday to Chief and Bruno!!!! :heart: :luv: :up:
Happy Birthday to Chief and Bruno.

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