Bully sleep...


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Jun 2, 2010
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I have to admit. I snuggle with Bear most of the night when he isn't trying to get on the hubby, he goes back and forth. but last night literally holding him like a stuffed animal and hearing his little snores. My husband says I oooh and ahhh through the night when Bear gets on my neck or i am petting him. I must sleep through that. My beagle don't even care, he just sleeps at my feet, he don't need snuggles. Bear is like a baby. I love it.

I just don't understand how some of you can stand not having your bully sleep with you, i'd be a mess :p
Vegas can not sleep with me because when we got him the first I think 4 times I tried he peed in my bed, NEVER in the house, but always in my bed! Since then I have tried a couple of times and he is not used to it so he will not settle down and wants to play. He loves his crate and so that is where he will sleep in fact as soon as I start to turn out the lights I say "night night" and he runs into his cage with his pillow and multiple stuffed animals and lays down before I even lock the crate. I'm glad Bear is a good boy in your bed and you get to enjoy him.
I agree I love sleeping with Cutty and Mugsy although I am sure I would sleep more sound if they werent repositioning all night ling. lol
My bed is way to high for them to sleep on with me. I would love nothing more. I even thought about taking the rails off from under it so they can lol...
My bed is way to high for them to sleep on with me. I would love nothing more. I even thought about taking the rails off from under it so they can lol...

ours is way too high also but we have steps for the boys so they can come and go as they please. I used to worry about them falling off the bed but they never have.
I love sleeping with Stiggy too. I find it comforting that he's not alone and spending time with us. I also find it cute that he uses my pillow sometimes to lie his head on.
I love sleeping with Stiggy too. I find it comforting that he's not alone and spending time with us. I also find it cute that he uses my pillow sometimes to lie his head on.

Yeah it is very cute when Cutty does this until he pushes me off of my pillow. lol. Even worse when the boys already have 2-3 pillows on the bed that are extra just for them anyhow. So spoiled!
Georgia sleeps on feet and Baby joe either sleeps with me or my son. Mr.Beefy isnt allowed in the bed yet due to his anal gland issues, but hopefully soon he can.
lex will get on the bed with us right before lights out and he has his bedtime snack and a good wipe down. sometimes he will lay and watch tv with us or he will fall asleep for about 5 mins then wants down. we dont have steps for the bed yet so we have to leift him on and off bed
Silva and I share a pillow every night! I like her to sleep next to me because she is so warm, like a little radiator! :luv:
None of my dogs sleep with us. China has a bad habit of puking, and my daughter has woke up in the morning in puke on a number of occasions, LeRoy shredded my son's bedspread twice, so he lost priviledges, and Norm occasionally sleeps with us, but we don't sleep quite as well with his big bum up there.
Gertie and Ida like their crates fine, and we aren't "dogs in the beds" type folks. I'm a light sleeper as it is, I can't imagine getting any sleep if these two wild women were in our bed! They each have a big crate now (we recently got them new crates because they'd outgrown the smaller ones) with a fluffy rug in the bottom and each have their beds in their crates. They still aren't 100 % trustworthy with their pottying, so the crates are the best place for them for now.

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