Bullies and Frogs


The New Casper
Staff member
May 15, 2013
Blips and Chitz
Bulldog(s) Names
Harlea 5/4/13 - 8/25/22
Harlea loves to chase frogs. She never tries to pick them up she just stalks behind any she finds and jumps when it jumps. Sadly it is always dark outside when this happens so no pictures or video are to be had at this time. Does anyone else have a bully that likes to stare at or play with frogs?
Oh YEAH... Winston keeps tormenting this frog that lives under our grill. Every night the chase is on... LOL :rofl:
Daisy too! We've had a bunch of rain lately so they have been out in force. Good Luck trying to get her to do her business outside if she's distracted!
Daisy too! We've had a bunch of rain lately so they have been out in force. Good Luck trying to get her to do her business outside if she's distracted!
Lucky for us she does her business before she goes after them.... :)
Cami just wants to do her business then scamper like h*ll getting back inside!

She is not a fan of outside or anything out there. There was a big frog right under
the entrance way lip (she almost stepped on it several times) but she seemed clueless.
Sometimes I wish Harlea would just do her business and come back in. She loves to be outside and will sit by the door even if she doesn't have to go potty so she can go out sun bathe. Which is more often than she has to go potty but I don't like to take chances but never let her out in the heat for more than a few minutes at a time. The mornings here has been oddly fantastic here lately with it being in the low 70's at 6am. :)
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Sometimes I wish Harlea would just do her business and come back in. She loves to be outside and will sit by the door even if she doesn't have to go potty so she can go out sun bathe. Which is more often than she has to go potty but I don't like to take chances but never let her out in the heat for more than a few minutes at a time. The mornings here has been oddly fantastic here lately with it being in the low 70's at 6am. :)

I know...in the middle of August..."it's fan-tas-tic!" sezs Arnold
Stinky Pete also plays with the frogs and the night time bugs. I have problems with him trying to do his business ay night. OMG and if it rains, he never gets it done. He goes nuts over the NIGHT crawlers. Its so funny to watch him. We live in the country and have a lot of chickens. He doesn't know what to think of the roaster when he crows...lol
I have to bring Rumble back inside if there is a frog because he will chase the frog and as I am chasing Rumble saying to leave the frog alone Rumble will decide to pick the frog up in his mouth and run around the yard with him until he decides to spit the frog out, let the frog hop a couple times, and then back into the mouth the frog goes unless I am particularly speedy that night and can stop Rumble before this happens. A couple nights and this and cleaning out Rumble's mouth after having the frog in there, we have decided to check for frogs before letting Rumble out in the evenings.
Oh yea Dooley loves to search for frogs in one particular spot in the flower bed. It drives me nuts! But I do get a laugh out of his reactions when the frog hops away and he gives chase. Guess he knows thats where the frog lives so he darts in there after his business is deposited in the evenings.
Cami just wants to do her business then scamper like h*ll getting back inside!

She is not a fan of outside or anything out there. There was a big frog right under
the entrance way lip (she almost stepped on it several times) but she seemed clueless.

HAHAHAHA!! Buster is the same way. He's never seen a frog though.
Holly hasnt discovered the frogs yet, but I have seen them! When I was growing up though we had weenie dogs and they would always go after the frogs, but be careful bc frog have a defense mechanism were the "pee" if you will at the dog and they do NOT like it! :excited: Also Holly likes to get her "tan on" as well and she will just go out and lay there forever if we would let her, but we let her for a few mintues.
Hmmm...never see frogs here, but Dudley believes he is going to catch bees, butterflies and moths! He did get a cricket one night...some sort of after dinner snack!

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