Bulldog Puppy back legs problem?


New member
Jun 2, 2023
Bulldog(s) Names
We have a 12 weeks old female English bulldog and we have noticed that when she runs her back legs sort of collapse or give way. She is fine walking etc and around house day to day but we are obviously quite concerned.
Is this due to her being a puppy? Or weight? Or isit something a vet needs to see?
She is otherwise absolutely fine in herself and eating and drinking and in so type of pain as far as we can see.
Any advice would be so so appreciated.
Thank you:)
We have a 12 weeks old female English bulldog and we have noticed that when she runs her back legs sort of collapse or give way. She is fine walking etc and around house day to day but we are obviously quite concerned.
Is this due to her being a puppy? Or weight? Or isit something a vet needs to see?
She is otherwise absolutely fine in herself and eating and drinking and in so type of pain as far as we can see.
Any advice would be so so appreciated.
Thank you:)

I would have her checked by a vet for a spine issue, cause that can cause the back legs to not be used.
Agreed -- please have a et check her to see what is going on

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