Brotherly love ❤️


Aug 4, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Awww, love seeing how well they have gotten along. Oreo takes such good care of baby Brisket 😍😍

This is a picture of brotherly love that has been so sweet. The non EB is a rescue who I fostered until my son really bonded with him, and decided to adopt him. When we first brought Jasper home, King wanted nothing to do with him! He growled and ran from Jasper, but Jasper never gave up. He has obviously won King over now.
I love these photos.. my two RARELY get close enough to even touch

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Aww... these pics are so adorable!!!
Here is my household versions of brotherly love. The Cockerspaniel (Charlie) raised the Bulldog (Gabe) from a pup.

Charlie and Gabe 1.jpg Charlie and Gabe.jpg Charlie and Gabe5.jpg
I love that! Oreo is doing the same. At first it seemed like Btoaket was a pest to him considering He is very playful and Oreo is a little older, but he won him over. Now Oreo looks for him everywhere.
Great thread. I hope it expands...would love to see more BL pics.
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Who’s the one on the left? Both beauties..but that face marking!! Original or what?!?!

The one on the left is a rescue that I was only planning to foster until I found him a home. He is so sweet and always wagging his tail that my son and I decided to keep him as ours. I have no idea about his history or even what mixture he is. I rescued him and his "brother" who was a beautiful pit bull. I found the pit bull a great home, as he and King were better off separate and they both were still homed with another dog.

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