Brisket isn't gaining weight!


Aug 4, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey everyone! it's been so long since I've been on here, and I've been meaning to check in, but work life, school, momma, and bully momma life have been too demanding lately, I hardly crack open my personal laptop anymore.

I hope everyone is well, but I wanted to make time to reach out because although Brisket has been in generally good health, his weight is a concern. He is not gaining weight. He has been on Fromm grain-free food for 2 years and he is still not gaining. He eats a lot and often, but still nothing. He is currently weighing at 42lbs and he's 2 and a half years old. The vet says he should be about 50-55lbs and idk what else to add that doesn't include grains, and I've tried raw with no luck. Any suggestions?
He's healthy as a horse.

Here is a picture of my Brisket 😍


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Here are a few things you can feed, also you can add some canned food.
Eggs – Eggs are a source of protein. Try adding some scrambled eggs
Salmon and Tuna – Both kinds of fish are sources of fat and cooked,not raw.
Pumpkin – Pumpkin provides vitamins, minerals, and fiber for dogs. Not pie mix-plain pumpkin or fresh cooked.
Sweet Potatoes –sweet potatoes have nutrition ,always cooked.
Other members will probably have more suggestions. These things along with his food, (not all at once)(y)
Hey everyone! it's been so long since I've been on here, and I've been meaning to check in, but work life, school, momma, and bully momma life have been too demanding lately, I hardly crack open my personal laptop anymore.

I hope everyone is well, but I wanted to make time to reach out because although Brisket has been in generally good health, his weight is a concern. He is not gaining weight. He has been on Fromm grain-free food for 2 years and he is still not gaining. He eats a lot and often, but still nothing. He is currently weighing at 42lbs and he's 2 and a half years old. The vet says he should be about 50-55lbs and idk what else to add that doesn't include grains, and I've tried raw with no luck. Any suggestions?
He's healthy as a horse.

Here is a picture of my Brisket 😍
Both our girls weigh around 40lbs, but I know females tend to be smaller usually. Perhaps you just have a smaller boy? Our vet says they're "pocket bulldogs" LOL.
My bulldog, Porkchop, was always between 40-45 lbs. I don't know what his height was; he seemed to be maybe an inch or 2 shorter than some, but my vet was pleased with his weight. She felt that by not being so chubby as many of the bulldogs she saw, that likely contributed to his long life of 13 years. He looked lean but not skinny, had little "V" cut at the hips. He was also an active guy until the last 2 years when he had back issues. Attached is a photo of The Pork at age 3 yrs for you to compare. (Or check out our avatar)


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How many cups of Fromm grain-free food you give him per day? @Manydogs got you covered. Eggs are great n loaded of protein n fish great oils….

Does he like liver or heart?
Hey everyone! it's been so long since I've been on here, and I've been meaning to check in, but work life, school, momma, and bully momma life have been too demanding lately, I hardly crack open my personal laptop anymore.

I hope everyone is well, but I wanted to make time to reach out because although Brisket has been in generally good health, his weight is a concern. He is not gaining weight. He has been on Fromm grain-free food for 2 years and he is still not gaining. He eats a lot and often, but still nothing. He is currently weighing at 42lbs and he's 2 and a half years old. The vet says he should be about 50-55lbs and idk what else to add that doesn't include grains, and I've tried raw with no luck. Any suggestions?
He's healthy as a horse.

Here is a picture of my Brisket 😍
I would not be too concerned, as others have said he just might be a smaller boy. 50-55 is average for a male bulldog, but it doesn't have to be... as long as you can not see his ribs and there is a good shape to his waist, I wouldn't be overly concerned.

Can you post a picture of him form above, as he stands, so we can see his waist?
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How many cups of Fromm grain-free food you give him per day? @Manydogs got you covered. Eggs are great n loaded of protein n fish great oils….

Does he like liver or heart?
Right now he’s eating more than before at 4 generous cups a day, 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon and he’s still always hungry!
I would not be too concerned, as others have said he just might be a smaller boy. 50-55 is average for a male bulldog, but it doesn't have to be... as long as you can not see his ribs and there is a good shape to his waist, I wouldn't be overly concerned.

Can you post a picture of him form above, as he stands, so we can see his waist?


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This was my previous dog Duke. He wasn’t big either. He weighed around 45-50lbs. He usually would average around 45. I didn’t want him fat either especially for this breed. So I wouldn’t worry about it. But I will have to say if your dog is eating 4 cups a day n still looking for food, mind you they all do but most are on 2 cups a day, I would switch food. Try Acana single protein or Orijen which is higher in calories. These are quality kibble n higher in protein. Never forget, you’re better off having a thinner dog than a chunky one. Do you feel his all his ribs or just the last one like you’re supposed to?


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He looks good..... can you see his ribs at all? 4 cups is alot, but they are all always wanting more. Lambeau will eat till he pukes if I let him

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