Behavioral problems


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Dec 12, 2013
United States
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Hello I'm really hoping someone on here can help me. I have a 14 month old English bulldog. Her name is prissy. We love her dearly but she has so many behavior problems it's to the point I'm not sure we can keep her. I don't want to sell her but if I can't get these issues worked out I'll have to. I guess I'll start with her potty training problems. Sometimes she will go to the door but a lot of times she won't. She sleeps in her crate at night and when I try to get her to go out she will either not come out of the crate or she will just run right back in there. When I drag her outside she just stands on the steps pees on them and barks. Secondly she has a huge problem with mounting? She gets in trouble every time she does it but it's like she doesn't care and goes right back at it every time.! Third thing is she wants to drink water CONSTANTLY and when she does this she pukes everywhere several times. This occurs every day. If anyone has any answers to any of these I would really appreciate it. We love her very much just not sure where to go from here

Pati Robins

I'm Polish what did you expect! A lady like person
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Jun 12, 2013
Cardiff UK
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Lily (British Bulldog) & Shy (American Bulldog X)
Hi there , first of all have you had her health checked? To make sure there is no underlying condition?
Spaying might help with her behaviour -also you could try and teach her some manners,start from basic obedience
Is the potty problem recent or was she always like this?
If she just stands and barks -again back to basics -leash her and go with her out until she finishes ,make it more structural like take her out every few hours (depends how long she can hold) and reward good behaviour-when she do her business outside
removing water bowl at night might help xxx
I would suggest anti gulping water bowls
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cali baker

Worlds Greatest Chef
Feb 25, 2011
The Crown City (Pasadena)
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Tate Rory & Finn Paddington
Like Pati said, getting Prissy in to see the vet for a medical evaluation is always a good idea, just to rule out any medical problems. Have you done some basic obedience classes with her? That might be a good start. Are you rewarding her for going potty outside? When you take her out and she goes potty in the place you want her to, you need to act as happy and cheery as you can to let her know that she did a good thing. A treat might also work.
Training our bullies takes a lot of time and consistency and most of all, PATIENCE. Bulldogs really want to please their guardians and I'm sure Prissy just needs a little more structure and guidance, and lots of positive reinforcement. Good luck!
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May 2, 2013
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If she is drinking alot-more than a "normal" amount for a dog, she may be diabetic. Have you had her to the vet for a check-up lately, as Pati asked? If she is drinking alot-she will have to pee alot, also.I would definitely have her to the vet, and have her checked for diabetes. If everything is normal in that area-she could also have a possible uterine infection. The first place to start is at the veterenarian. Then if all checks out, begin the next step. Which will be addressed on this site.

Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
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Apr 16, 2013
Searcy, Arkansas
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Sheldon A.K.A Shelly Bean (06-12-19); Duecy (9-13-14); Maddie (4-16-19)
Is this your first Bully? If so let me start by telling you a bully is like no other breed in terms of training. They react strongly to positive reinforcement versus discipline. When you leash her take her to where she is suppose to potty use action words like let's go potty or whatever your choice of words are and when she does this praise her have a party go over the top with praise. Patience and perseverance is key to training a bully. As far as her crate that's her den her safe place.

sent from my Droid RAZR with love!


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Thank you all for all your feed back. The potty training she's always been like this. We would always be consistent and reward her then she just started falling backwards and eventually got to the point where she refuses to go out and will often go inside her crate. Her last check up was a few months ago but the vet said mostly everything was because she was a puppy and to be patient. Does anyone have any sites that have good basic training tips? She knows how to sit and stay but as far as other stuff we didn't go that far. I'm going to schedule her an appointment Monday to check possible diabetes


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And sorry yes this is my first bully. I dreamed of having one ever since I can remember and I was finally able to last year :)

Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
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Apr 16, 2013
Searcy, Arkansas
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Sheldon A.K.A Shelly Bean (06-12-19); Duecy (9-13-14); Maddie (4-16-19)
There are several books you can probably find at your local library by Cesar Milan also have you established yourself as pack leader bullies tend to be pack oriented and as soon as she realizes you control everything she will be much more comfortable in her role in the pack. The reason I bring that up is some behaviors stem from them not knowing where they stand in the pack and makes them uncertain. Leash in the house attached to you and you see her doing whatever she does when she needs to go you will start recognizing her triggers. Structure is important to bullies feeding times and potty times.

sent from my Droid RAZR with love!

Pati Robins

I'm Polish what did you expect! A lady like person
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Jun 12, 2013
Cardiff UK
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Lily (British Bulldog) & Shy (American Bulldog X)
Check also books and videos on positive reinforcement, there are also loads of videos showing basic training - every bully is different but what i found out -with them it takes some time consistency and patience
If you giving up on the dog she can sense it

I adopted a boxer who was with us for 6 years (she was old) she had a problem -she couldn't feel that she needed a pee -6 years of constant bed changes (5-7 times a day) ,floor washes,baths -(i was moaning about it for 6 years -but it never crossed my mind to get rid of her) -through pregnancy and my carers duties it was tough!but my girl was ill and i couldn't help her .

Please keep is informed on your progress xx


Jan 8, 2013
Naboomspruit, South Africa.
Bulldog(s) Names
Boeboe, Bennie Boy and Joey
Bulldogs are very stubborn:tongue: I have to lure, nag, push, drag and sometimes even carry mine to get them to go outside in the evening, lol, and then I have to stand in the garden watching them till they do their thing before I let them in. They know this by now so they're pretty quick going potty cos they want to go inside again. I've never had an issue with mine potty inside cos we're lucky living so we can have the doors opened for them to go out anytime they want in the day.

I've noticed all my bulldogs only responds to positive encouragement, they're very sensitive to raised voices and can mope for hours if I talk to loud to them. So when they were small and peed inside I said nothing, but when going outside I cheered them on and gave them treat or a nice butt scratch:) Bulldogs are also very into routines so I think if you just get her into a different routine she'll stick to it. Mine has specific spots in the garden where they ALWAYS potty, so when we move I make sure they potty at a spot I'm ok with and then I know they'll most likely potty there all the time.

About the drinking... my Joey also pukes sometimes after drinking, I think it's cos she drinks to much to fast... I'm sure there is some kind of slow feeder drinking bowl out there? I don't know? I'm looking for one myself:) but I usually check Joey when she drinks and if she goes on and on I take her and let her rest a minute before letting her drink more.

The mounting I've heard is a way for them to establish leadership so I'd be telling her a firm "NO" and not let her do that. To get her to understand you're the leader you can make her work for her stuff, sit and wait for food, and things like that. When going outside you can have her sit and not allow her to go out before you and so on. We've done this with ours whenever we feel they get a little out of hand and it works for us. We have 7 dogs so you can imagine it's a bit of a mess having them all behave:ashamed: lol.

I hope things will work out for you and Prissy, she's still young so it should go well:)


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Thank you all for all your feed back. The potty training she's always been like this. We would always be consistent and reward her then she just started falling backwards and eventually got to the point where she refuses to go out and will often go inside her crate. Her last check up was a few months ago but the vet said mostly everything was because she was a puppy and to be patient. Does anyone have any sites that have good basic training tips? She knows how to sit and stay but as far as other stuff we didn't go that far. I'm going to schedule her an appointment Monday to check possible diabetes

google.... Nothing In Life is Free (NILIF) it is an easy training tool based on positive reinforcement. Your girl is basically a teenager and rebelling, back to basics with her and she has to work for everything.

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