Avoderm users?


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
I am thinking about switching over to avoderm mainly because of the shedding and I have heard lots of good things with this food helping reduce the shedding. We feed eagle pack hollistic now and it works fine with Cutty in all ways which is rare. His poops are firm with this food and that was a problem with other foods we have tried, for those who use this food can I ask how firm the poop is? I know this is tmi but hey we all have to wipe their butts anyhow so around here the poop talk should be ok. :eek:
Molly's is great.

You can always try the food, and if it does not work out you can take it back, if you get it at Petsmart

I have been switching dog foods all around on our bullies, and will be glad when we make a final decision! But so far I love Avoderm Lamb & Rice. I also like Canidae but not as much....but it is convenient for me to get at the feed store that is up the road.

Molly is shedding now, but very little and it is hottttt outside! I do notice around her bed has less hair, where I used to find furballs on a daily basis.
Well a little shedding would be fine, both my boys shed like its going out of style. Ridiculous amounts and it drives me nutso. We used to use canidae back some years ago and now I cant remember why we changed, I think allergies of some sort. I have heard the formula has changed and isnt as good now which always makes me leary to consider going back. Cutty cant have lamb or he will turn all red and itchy but the chicken should hopefully do ok. I have our food delivered to our house and they dont actually carry avoderm on their site so I have asked the owner if it is something they will carry if I do decide to try it. Sounds really too good to be true but if the shedding will stop or at least slow down I would be happy.
I would maybe agree with the canidae thing, since I took molly off avoderm and on canidae I don't think she looks as good. Still good- don't get me wrong- but just not as good. I am working on a similar deal with the local feed store, want them to carry avoderm so I don't have to drive an hour to petsmart for it. :)
I have talked to 5 breeders not including the one I got my dog from. They all recommended Avoderm and I am going to get my bully started on it this week!!
I started Dexter on avoderm since Saturday. I'm almost done with a complete change. I tried blue buffalo and everything went wrong with his system. 2nd night where there were no accidents in his crate. I decided on avoderm because it was supposed to be easy on his stomach. Don't know just yet if his shedding will decrease, I've only had him a month though it feels like much longer than that. Good luck and that would be awesome if the shedding decreased!
Well sonce you have started on it already Karina keep me posted how he does. I wont be changing over for a while if I do cuz I just opened my next bag not too long ago. Sounds like your boy is on the right track now tho, thats good.

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