Article: Cherry Eye - What it is and how to treat it


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Feb 21, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
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I tried I press it back in but it didn't work. He just woke up and his eye has some blood and some yellow discharge. Should I go to the emergency vet????


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Re: Article: Cherry eye - what is it and how to treat it



Re: Article: Cherry eye - what is it and how to treat it

I tried I press it back in but it didn't work. He just woke up and his eye has some blood and some yellow discharge. Should I go to the emergency vet????

:eek: does he act like it hurts??? Usually when you shut the eye the eye lid will go over it and you just massage and it will go back in.... can you post a pic??? Poor thing!!! Yellow usually means infections.....has his eyes been goocky


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
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Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
Re: Article: Cherry eye - what is it and how to treat it

I tried I press it back in but it didn't work. He just woke up and his eye has some blood and some yellow discharge. Should I go to the emergency vet????

Yes but Im sure your already there! Hope all is well :pray: Please update us when you can!


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Feb 21, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
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Hey everyone

Just got back...they said he is fine and checked for an ulcer in his eye, but he will prob need a procedure done to put it back in. They said it was nothing to worry about and it was most likely irritated. They gave me eye drops to administer every 4 to 6 hours... Poor Dozer :(

As a side note, some deranged lady walked in the vet emergency hospital in her night gown demanding to see a doctor for her asthma. When they refused treatment to her since it was an animal hospital she went bonkers. Throwing stuff out of the rooms, screaming kicking and yelling. She tried to get into my room but I firmly kept the door shut and called PD. They came and took her to the psychiatric hospital. They gave me a discount because of the inconvenience...instead of 220$ they only charged me $100...thanks night gown lady.....What a night!!!!
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Re: Article: Cherry eye - what is it and how to treat it

Hey everyone

Just got back...they said he is fine and checked for an ulcer in his eye, but he will prob need a procedure done to put it back in. They said it was nothing to worry about and it was most likely irritated. They gave me eye drops to administer every 4 to 6 hours... Poor Dozer :(

As a side note, some deranged lady walked in the vet emergency hospital in her night gown demanding to see a doctor for her asthma. When they refused treatment to her since it was an animal hospital she went bonkers. Throwing stuff out of the rooms, screaming kicking and yelling. She tried to get into my room but I firmly kept the door shut and called PD. They came and took her to the psychiatric hospital. What a night!!!! called the PD......:blink: aren't you the PoPo! :rofl: Hope crazy lady didn't scar Dozer for life! lol did they get the cherry eye back in then???? Poor baby! I would still do the massaging thing though. You can still try to avoid surgery and the more you do it even when he cherry eye isn't out the more it helps....and yes he may be one of this bullies that just need the surgery but he is so young I would give it time! :) Gracie just started stopped reoccurring like a month ago or there is still hope for Dozer :)


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
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Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
Re: Article: Cherry eye - what is it and how to treat it

Hey everyone

Just got back...they said he is fine and checked for an ulcer in his eye, but he will prob need a procedure done to put it back in. They said it was nothing to worry about and it was most likely irritated. They gave me eye drops to administer every 4 to 6 hours... Poor Dozer :(

As a side note, some deranged lady walked in the vet emergency hospital in her night gown demanding to see a doctor for her asthma. When they refused treatment to her since it was an animal hospital she went bonkers. Throwing stuff out of the rooms, screaming kicking and yelling. She tried to get into my room but I firmly kept the door shut and called PD. They came and took her to the psychiatric hospital. They gave me a discount because of the inconvenience...instead of 220$ they only charged me $100...thanks night gown lady.....What a night!!!!

Wow! People these days...Glad everything went well and you know what it is and how to treat it! You have been so good to Dozer! Hope everything goes well and gets better :hug: to Dozer


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Feb 21, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
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Dozer called the PD......:blink: aren't you the PoPo! :rofl: Hope crazy lady didn't scar Dozer for life! lol did they get the cherry eye back in then???? Poor baby! I would still do the massaging thing though. You can still try to avoid surgery and the more you do it even when he cherry eye isn't out the more it helps....and yes he may be one of this bullies that just need the surgery but he is so young I would give it time! :) Gracie just started stopped reoccurring like a month ago or there is still hope for Dozer :)

Lol yes I'm a cop but we have very strict guidelines when it comes to off duty officers interfering with an emotionally disturbed person. I called 911 gave them my shield number and they had a car there in less than 2 minutes. Either way the hospitals security retrained her before she could do anything major. Lol she was like 4'11 and 90 pounds anyway.

They didn't pop it in and they told me to leave it for now. I'm going to the Vet in the morning and well see what he has to say. Hopefully we can put this behind us tomorrow and well see how his Gardia is going, we finished his medication today.

[MENTION=4246]ChanelnBrutus[/MENTION] I know in a city with 5 million people you'd think the vet hospital would be uneventful on a Friday night...NOT! Thanks again for your concerns and well wishes!
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Re: Article: Cherry eye - what is it and how to treat it

Lol yes I'm a cop but we have very strict guidelines when it comes to off duty officers interfering with an emotionally disturbed person. I called 911 gave them my shield number and they had a car there in less than 2 minutes. Either way the hospitals security retrained her before she could do anything major. Lol she was like 4'11 and 90 pounds anyway.

They didn't pop it in and they told me to leave it for now. I'm going to the Vet in the morning and well see what he has to say. Hopefully we can put this behind us tomorrow and well see how his Gardia is going, we finished his medication today.

@ChanelnBrutus I know in a city with 5 million people you'd think the vet hospital would be uneventful on a Friday night...NOT! Thanks again for your concerns and well wishes!

I about :poo: myself when I read your first post. I was like Great I tagged him in this so he could see how the cherry eye goes back in and see what others have said and now it is my fault Dozer is hurt!!!!! :( Poor little guy! He deserves a break! I didn't even realize he had the Gardia!


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Feb 21, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
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I about :poo: myself when I read your first post. I was like Great I tagged him in this so he could see how the cherry eye goes back in and see what others have said and now it is my fault Dozer is hurt!!!!! :( Poor little guy! He deserves a break! I didn't even realize he had the Gardia!

It's def not your fault!! It is just irritated, he must have been pawing at it at some point. They really didn't seem worried about it and I'm sure the vet will have good news for me tomorrow. I always appreciate your feedback and input!

Yeah Giradia is the latest thing for us now. I hope the medicine works, his tummy must be in shambles from it :(


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Some vets are now using laser to correct a cherry eye. I've heard good results, but have not had to have it done on any of my bullies.


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May 9, 2012
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Lola had cherry eye in both eyes. Her vet suggested the "pocket technique", which not only failed TWICE but also made her very sick from the anesthesia. We then got a referral to an eye specialist, and had the tucking done. So far, so good, she wasnt as sick as before although she has some scar tissue from the other two failed procedures. :angry:

My point here is, please, avoid the pocket method. Im still very frustrated that she had to go through all that for no reason.
I dont understand why the vets still do it with such a low success rate instead of referring to the specialist? Ugh.


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Jun 21, 2012
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Omg porkchop just woke up from a nap with what looked like cherry eye :( I immediately came on here read this n warm compressed the eye n it went away!!! Still going to the vets but thank u so much for the info!!!!


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Re: Article: Cherry eye - what is it and how to treat it

Omg porkchop just woke up from a nap with what looked like cherry eye :( I immediately came on here read this n warm compressed the eye n it went away!!! Still going to the vets but thank u so much for the info!!!!

AWESOME!!! This is one of the reasons we are all here.... teach, learn and love bullies!

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