

New member
Jun 3, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
Spike & Sparkles
Spike who is 7 months old has recently started peeing in his bed at night and as soon as I wake up gotta put his bed n the washer. Should I not leave his bowl of water at night? I mean we have the same routine every night go to bed at midnight he goes before going night night then when I wake up at 7am his bed or the mat at the entrance is pee peed on. ;[ and when he pees on his bed he just sleeps right on it which is wierd to me. U figure he wouldn't wanna sleep on something wet. He use to never do this before. And he doesn't like pads he will tear them up into itty bittie pieces. :[ don't know what to do anymore.
Has he been urinating more in general? If he never did it before and is now maybe he has a bladder infection?? Not sure but I have read frequent urination (more than usual rather) can be because a bladder infection.
Not really. My dog sitter aka my brothers summer job lol takes him out every 2 1/2 hrs which is normal for him. I will google the symptoms. He has been peeing in his bed everyday this week.
I'd get more than one mat, to save your sanity. How long does he hold it during the day? You might want to start testing him. At his age, he should be able to hold it 6 to 8 hours no problem. Either he's too comfy at night (how big is his kennel?) or he has an issue that may need to be looked at. Another thing to look into (to save your sanity) is the belly wraps. Until you figure out what the issue is. It's like a diaper. I think there is another post on here with someone who makes them. I hope he's just being a stubborn bulldog, and there is nothing seriously wrong.
My girl Bailey was peeing in her bed for a few days as well, She is potty trained and healthy, I find when she is mad at me for what ever reason ( jealous of my lab) didnt get her cookie etc, she will pee on her bed or blanket. I thinks she is trying to tell me didnt like something

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