Help Needed! Accidents while away from home??


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Oct 14, 2011
Madison, WI
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Hello again! I know I posted about Tonka sometimes going potty on our bed in a previous post. But the more troubling issue we are having now, is that when he goes to other people's houses he is having accidents in their homes. He will be one year old tomorrow. He never has accidents at home with us other than his occasional sassy peeing on the bed which is most definitely not a result of a lack of potty training.

I take him to my dad's house a lot and he has numerous accidents-pooping and peeing around his house and NOT just in one particular place. He has been there enough to know the door we use to take him out. We also try to take him out frequently there but even a half hour after we took him out and he peed last time he still peed a little in the house! It's frustrating because my dad doesn't believe that he doesn't do this at our place lol and he really doesn't!

We have had him at another friend's house and watched him like a hawk so he was fine then. Other than that we had one other friend watch him overnight and she said he had no accidents at her place...unless she was not being truthful because she didn't want us to worry or think he wasn't invited back. That woman does have her own dog but he stays in their garage or outside. My dad has two pugs that are of course, indoor dogs. Is it the other dogs being in the house that does this to him? I don't understand why he forgets his potty training when we go to my dads? So bizarre. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Thanks! :)


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
Katy, Texas
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BeBe, Hazel, Lucy Lu, JLO, Hillary, Henri, & Katie
The only thing I can think of is he is marking his territory. Just keep watching him and tell him "NO" if he does this, you may even have to keep him on a leash at your dad's house until he out grows this.


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
The only thing I can think of is he is marking his territory. Just keep watching him and tell him "NO" if he does this, you may even have to keep him on a leash at your dad's house until he out grows this.

I was thinking this as well. Perhaps he wants to be dominant over your dads dogs?

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"Slug Assassin" and PBS Gardening Dweeb
Jun 23, 2011
Mukilteo, Washington State
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Beefeater's Buxom Beatrice and Lord Harrington's Bodacious Beauregaard
I'd suggest going back to zero. Put a leash on the boy and tie him to your leg. Clearly, he's confused about where/when he's supposed to be using the bathroom.


Aug 4, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
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(HRH) Her Royal Highness Princess Gracie & Princess Amelia Pond (Amy)
I agree, he is marking territory. Keeping him on a leash right at your side sounds like a great plan.


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Oct 14, 2011
Madison, WI
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Thanks for the advice! Grandpa will not soon be forgetting Tonka. Especially after Tonka peed on his pillow in his bedroom! That's very naughty but I can't help but giggle! :)

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