A friend gave me this Bar tray this morning

goobers mom

Active member
Mar 5, 2011
Springfield, Missouri, United States
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Goober, (R.I.P), Carlie(R.I.P.) , Chaps, Glory B, Blis, Kimber, April, and Brenna (RIP) Wendi, Joy,
IMAG0017.jpg :lol::lol:
Too funny... my b/f really likes it
That's great, love it.
I WANT! I WANT! I WANT! (I know..I know...Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's bullie tray.....)
I really like that
You should see about getting your friend to get another one and donate it for the next EBN auction! Very cool.

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