Itā€™s been 3 weeks off kibble and only feeding 1 meal a day because Zeus was bloated and I was told it takes 14 hrs for a dog to digest a meal. He has lost weight and he is 11. Iā€™m noticing a full belly but also loss of muscle and his spine is protruding more than before. I know heā€™s not as active but moves around really well considering the little bit of back paws not so steady at times. Getting older with my dog sure does help put some things in perspective.Hes very alert. Eyes, ears. Just trying to figure this stage of his life out. My first dog.
thank you I did that tonight in his dinnerā˜ŗ
Iā€™m no big fan of sweet potato or any potato for dogs. But thatā€™s me. To gain muscles itā€™s proteins. Same with humans. If you want to gain muscles n lose inflammation itā€™s definitely a carnivorous diet. So any meat, organs, eggs, good high fats example like beef tallow, coconut oilā€¦ā€¦.Same rule for humans.

Apples wonā€™t give loose stools unless you give the whole apple. Like mentioned I cut one apple for my 3. You would use a quarter n a bit only. That being said, start with the pumpkin as Christine mentioned, once stools are controlled, slowly add the apple but less that I mentioned n bui it up slowly.
Itā€™s been 3 weeks off kibble and only feeding 1 meal a day because Zeus was bloated and I was told it takes 14 hrs for a dog to digest a meal. He has lost weight and he is 11. Iā€™m noticing a full belly but also loss of muscle and his spine is protruding more than before. I know heā€™s not as active but moves around really well considering the little bit of back paws not so steady at times. Getting older with my dog sure does help put some things in perspective.Hes very alert. Eyes, ears. Just trying to figure this stage of his life out. My first dog.
re-reading your posts... did you have the lump checked by your vet... is it just a fatty tissue? Is your oy on any medications? Just throwing questions to see if we can help pin point weight loss
re-reading your posts... did you have the lump checked by your vet... is it just a fatty tissue? Is your oy on any medications? Just throwing questions to see if we can help pin point weight loss
it is a fatty tissue, thanks for re-reading. After taking him off kibble and only one meal a day I think itā€™s the lean food. I upped his protein yesterday and his poop is more solid with the added organic pumpkin and rice. I also got the enzymes yesterday and addd that to his meal.
it is a fatty tissue, thanks for re-reading. After taking him off kibble and only one meal a day I think itā€™s the lean food. I upped his protein yesterday and his poop is more solid with the added organic pumpkin and rice. I also got the enzymes yesterday and addd that to his meal.
Donā€™t go too fast adding everything. Give it like a few days on a new ingredient, see if all is stable then add next ingredient. Like that itā€™s easier to keep track.

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