yeast!Yeast Yeast...yikes


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Jun 23, 2010
Eau Claire WI
Bulldog(s) Names
Abby 13 (RIP), Bella (6), Betsy( RIP), Frenchie: Oliver
Okay, last weeks bath consisted of an all organic anti-itch shampoo and a rinse of 50/50 apple cider vinegar and water. I was told this was all good for hot spots and yeast......

OMG, this morning, Abby is so full of yeast! I can't stand even being next to her. She smells, her neck and belly are RED and moist, almost as if it is oozing. Now she doesn't have any of that crusting like yeast but because of the smell I know that is what is going on. Any suggestions? (I slowly switched her to Fromm's grain free surf and turf this week) Will it take a couple of these type baths to get the Ph balanced? I was told by the feed store to put pure coconut oil on it. She said that coconut oil kills yeast, smells good and if she licks it that is okay. HELP. I feel so sorry for her, she wants to love an snuggle and I can't stand the smell!
Oh my goodness, poor thing! I havent dealt with this at all but you will get your answers soon enough. How sad, just a little snuggle mom? lol
Perhaps get some anti-fungus shampoo from your vet like Chlorihexiderm (not sure if that is spelled right). Also, with Tidus wearing that cone his chin and turkey neck was incredibly yeasty, because it was hard to keep his saggy neck dry!

A combo of the anti-yeast creme and cleaning his chin and neck with the VET ear cleaner cleared it up in just a day..... Tuesday he was a stinky and sore neck mess, and Wednesday he was all better with one treatment. The anti yeast creme I mentioned in Libra926's water stain thread is very gooey like a sticky lotion, so I just squeezed a bunch on my hands and rubbed it on his chin & neck like I was putting on lotion.

If you have a good relationship with your vet, you should be able to call and ask for these meds. After all, you have a bulldog and these are nice to have handy to use when necessary!
Hey so I dont have much advice myself as olaf only gets yeast in his rope...gets better depending on what he eats....but about a month ago I experimented with over the counter antifungal cream. I just put a TINY amout (I was scared it would not be good for him) and its worked great! But I still dont know if it is really bad to do it? Maybe somebody else knows?
Hi everyone, i know when Dozer was here, he would get yeast sometimes, and we definately used apple cider vinegar ~ works great ! that and the old school Listerine for Hot Spots, Medicated Gold Bond powder and Vagisil :eek: ( womans creme ) we kept on hand at all times, along with a medicated dandruff like Selsum Blue shampoo... usually different concoctions of those for different circumstances ALWAYS helped,, the CLORAHEXATE ( sp * ) shampoo is wonderful to have from the vet also..
The Chlorehexidin shampoo is the same as using a Perio rinse, which is what we use at the dental office. I just don't know what happened all of a sudden, she was looking so good after her bath last week. I got a couple new shampoo samples from Carolina Pet Pantry this week. I am going to try one of those with the apple cider rinse today and see how she does. I thought the apple cider rinse was the trick, but since I did it for the first time this past weekend and then this happened, I thought maybe it take a couple times. I know on antibiotics, sometimes things get worse before better.

Thanks for all your help.
Hey so I dont have much advice myself as olaf only gets yeast in his rope...gets better depending on what he eats....but about a month ago I experimented with over the counter antifungal cream. I just put a TINY amout (I was scared it would not be good for him) and its worked great! But I still dont know if it is really bad to do it? Maybe somebody else knows?

It should be fine, as long as it is in an area where he cannot lick it. For those areas, be sure to get some anti-fungal from your vet. (like the chin & neck, if it gets into their drinking water it will be consumed, the vet stuff if safe for minor ingestion).

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