Wish us luck!!!


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
Finally able to get Cutty into the vets today for his leg to be xrayed. ugh... I am anxious..... He barely limps but still favors it so I am worried a bit. Fingers crossed he just needs to baby it and will be fine.
Poooooor baby Cutty..... Let's hope he just needs some extra cuddling. ;)
sending possitive vibes and bully snuggles to you and Cutty :hug:
Good luck and positive thoughts!
Dr says torn acl. :*( I asked if me waiting made it worse since I have been going back and forth as to whether he needed to go but he said no thankfully. Havent talked to the surgeon to get details on price or what kind of surgery. His knee cap looks good and his other knee looks good so I suppose that is all good news. Just amazes me how well he seems to be with a tear. I will work on getting a video up of him walking so you can see. He barely shows a sign of anything. ugh this just makes me anxious.... And to deal with recovery with him, Miila, Mugsy around and then the 2 babies, my gawd this sounds like it will be a nightmare to keep him mellow and take care of him after.
[MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION], you have heard me say this a million times over the last month, ONE DAY AT A TIME!! Deal with each day as it comes and I promise you will not feel so overwhelmed. I repeat it so often in my head and out loud that I am sure my customer's think I am drinking behind the bar!! :hug:
[MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION], you have heard me say this a million times over the last month, ONE DAY AT A TIME!! Deal with each day as it comes and I promise you will not feel so overwhelmed. I repeat it so often in my head and out loud that I am sure my customer's think I am drinking behind the bar!! :hug:

Thanks Kelly. Those words do get us thru so much dont they? I wish I knew what questions to ask and all. I am just awful and take what they say and leave, thats it. Didnt even get a quote for surgery. lol My gawd.

Cutty is down to 47 pounds. He looks great and I asked if that should be a problem and of course the dr was happy with his appearance and said he was perfect. He has never been under 49 ever. We got him at 9 months and he was slim and 49. After that his normal slim was 52. Then he got chubby up to 56 at his high so we put him on his strict schedule. Now he looks like he is 52 again (I can always tell where he stands to the pound visually) but is 47. So he lost muscle somewhere? I am so confused. Do they weight less as they age? He doesnt look any different but to be 5 pounds less than what he was a few months ago and not look it is bugging me.
Sorry to hear about Cutty and the torn ACL. I can feel your sense of overwhelment! I agree with [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] and often recite the "one day at a time" line throughout the day. It truly is that way, step by step and you will get there. Does Cutty have to be on any pain medication right now? Give him a hug from us!
Just gave remadyl for swelling to make him feel better. He barely acts like anything is even bothering him tho. Bullies are too tough for their own good, seriously.
Poor Cutty! Sending positive thoughts your way! I'm sure there are others around here that have experience with this and perhaps they can give you some sound advice on what happens from here, questions to ask, etc.
Awwwww Crap! I'm so sorry Jenn! I missed all this until now and I can imagine the confusion and worry. I know nothing about this but don't focus on his weight change. Maybe the scales are a bit off too. I know if it's been a few weeks since scales were calibrated they can get out of whack pretty easily! Hang in there and I'll be hoping for the easiest path forward! :hug:

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