Winter Jackets / Hats / Shoes ? When in NY area?

Aria Ferraro

New member
Jul 18, 2014
Long Island City, NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Ozzy Igor
Hi family!

I have a question.
You know I have lived in California for a year an over there I was fighting the heat. Now that I came back to NY I have to get used
to the cold weather again and Ozzy as well.
I live in an area that is REALLY windy and I am afraid he won't react well.
These days it has been too windy, his ears were flying away.

When is it the right temperature to put a jacket on the baby?
Do you put shoes on them?
Do you put hats?

What do you think?

Thank you so much... <3
I forget the website but there is a place that sells for bulldogs and i think [MENTION=7457]nycbullymama[/MENTION] may have suggestions on how to deal in NYC. For me, my guys are not out long enough since we have a big yard... They go do the business and run back to the door and we do not have to deal with street salt
I forget the website but there is a place that sells for bulldogs and i think @nycbullymama may have suggestions on how to deal in NYC. For me, my guys are not out long enough since we have a big yard... They go do the business and run back to the door and we do not have to deal with street salt

Thank you Christine. Hopefully I will get some feedback : )
[MENTION=12412]Aria Ferraro[/MENTION] If you go on ebay, search in Pet supplies, type english bulldog clothing, there will be sweatshirts made of fleece, with or without hood, made by Plus Size Pups.
they come in different sizes for EBD's. I have bought two,and they fit very well.

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