What else are you "into"?


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
Besides bullies of course. :) what are your other things in life you just LOVE?

There are several things I enjoy. Greenhouse vegetable garden, playing video games with my kids, listening to my iPod while doing yardwork, swimming, Harry Potter, Watching movies, photography, scrapbooking, cooking, and believe it or not- even cleaning!! Now of course I am addicted to the Internet- putting a big damper on my other hobbies... How about you?
Photography is a big thing for me. I just picked up a camera a few years ago and loved the results. I've had to learn everything on my own, so it's hard to learn the ins and outs. I did take a few night classes, but they really didn't teach me what I wanted to know. I get asked to do weddings, family reunions, senior photos, portraits........and it's all hit and miss. I usually tell them I'll give it a try, but not to expect anything. So, I'm learning. I also love quading. We own a toy-hauler and 2 quads and we enjoy spending time in the Oregon dunes. love, love love it. I love watching movies, love my ipod and love, love, love my bulldogs. I hate cleaning, cooking and anything domesticated. I've been told I would be a good mom, but I don't have the patience. We have a live in nanny for our bullies (okay, so Mark's mom lives with us, but it sounds more glamourous when I say nanny) She loves to cook........so I let her. She's not very good at the cleaning, and honestly, I'm okay with it. I hate yard work because I hate bugs and bees. (I was stung over 100+ times by a wasp nest when I was 6) I love to read. My perfect day would be curled up by the fire on a rainy day with a good book OR on those rare sunny days, sitting on our beautiful back patio reading a book with Mt. Rainer in the background.
I am a homebody mostly and Love it that way. I like gardening although since we bought this house most of my gardening has been removing everything that was here. Someday we will plant things I like and have a nice yard. haha. Love the computer obviously like all of us I am guessing. Love tv or should I say tivo cuz I hate live tv. I love camping and the outdoors. Love hikinh although we dont do that much these days unless we are camping. I love online shopping and bargain hunting. ;) I hate crowds and being stuck out in them. I love beer. :D Being prego that part of my life sucks now tho. lmao. I love cooking and eating yummy food but I hate cleaning. Will put it off as long as possible and with a hubby who isnt picky it doesnt help. lol BUT I hate clutter and LOVE to have things organized! Nothing feels better than opening a drawer or closet that is all in order. (Not that all mine are but when I straighten them up they are awesome.) I do love love love the rain, it is so calming to me. Good storms are fun but being in California we dont get them as often as I would like.
I do definitely consider dogs to be one of my "things" but going to concerts and camping/fishing are probably my other favorite things to do. I love to listen to music, camping, fishing, just being in the outdoors, hanging out with friends, going walking, absolutely anything to do with dogs, movies especially ones by Tarantino and Coen (Big Lebowski is the greatest movie ever made), dirt bikes, eat, cook, clean, I like desertsky actually enjoy cleaning, I like Cali~Jenn hate crowds, love beer and am a homebody.
Well Tessa you and desertsky both need to come over here and clean. lmao. I wish I liked cleaning. I do love a clean house but wish someone else would do it. ;)
Ooh.. I have a greenhouse too!! LOVE it.. wanted one for years and finally splurged and bought one :) So gardening is definitely on the list.. both vegetables and perennials. I'm not a big fan of annuals. Very much into my genealogy - traced one side back so far to 1532!!! Also, love.. love antiquing!! I have several pieces in my house.. all rooms. Fond of the more primitive type of antiques.. but anything that catches my eye! Lastly, I would have to say traveling. Huge, huge fan of Disney World.. been many, many times. This year we are doing something my girls have never done (they are 14 and 17)..we are taking them on an 8 day cruise, so that should be exciting. Other than that.. my job keeps me very busy, as I am on call 24/7 when not at work, but oh well, what are you gonna do?? Pays for baby bully food!! :)
OMG you will love your cruise!!! So much fun- that needs to be on everyones TDL really!! I cannot begin to even tell you how much fun you will have!! Hope you love food!
LOVE cruises although we have only been on one. That should be on everyones to do list I agree but it is scray to think you could fall overboard and nobody would know. The way we party on the cruise I say the buddy system is a must. :) Oh and the food YUM!!!! Any place where you can order as many appetizers or entrees as you want just so you can taste a little of everything is my heaven!
WOw, this is a great thread! Really enjoying reading about everyone.
I'm "into" Transformers, boxers & bulldogs, learning how to fix things around the house (what did we ever do before the WWW?). Reading true crime stories, playing on our WII. I have not been on a cruise but my partner has and tells me we must go on one next year. Watching Tv, bargin shoping online, being on this website, learning more about our precious bulldogs.
We raise and show fancy goldfish and koi. We also have done a lot of projects to transform our yard into a "flower" and pond garden instead of a lawn. Our front garden project was a biggie this year and we've been nominated for a neighborhood beautification award. I have a photobucket album done for several different things. This is the yard this year. http://s491.photobucket.com/albums/rr278/LariPett/yard2010/?albumview=slideshow If you watch it in reverse you can see some before and after shots.
Classic Cars, especially from the 1960's

Boy, that makes me a classic then!! LOL I am a home-body. I love spending time with my kids, cooking, gardening (just started having luck on orchids this past year) We have a pool and I love to sit out all day and relax in the pool. We have an RV and have had a camper of some sorts since the boys were little. I love camping, here in Florida the best time is Oct-March. We go to Key West at least twice a year!!! Very dog friendly!!! I enjoy reading and listening to music. I probably am one of the only women here that does NOT like to shop. I have a very hard time going out and buying clothes etc for me. I hit the housewares departments only.

I have a side job of making "Lady Api's" They are custom granny smith apples with caramel, dipped in chocolate and then rolled in candy, drizzled with white chocolate and sprinkled with candy...... That is how I get my Christmas money. I have made them for charity events here in Jacksonville, Weddings, Baby Showers, Birthday parties and about every holiday. I also make specialty cakes. Give me a design and I can make it, I strive to have 100% edible cake, no matter what the design.
I am also on the Dental Forensic team for mass disasters here in NE Florida. It is a volunteer position and I have only been called in once (that is a good thing) but train yearly.
Great thread, I love getting to hear about everyone else's interests.

I like history, and I better because I teach it and write it! I love photography and hiking - the two go hand in hand for me - and I have hiked and photographed about 20 different places in Arizona in the past year or so. I love watching baseball, Fantasy Baseball, anything baseball really. I play ice hockey (yes, in a desert!) and it's super fun and helps me get my exercise. I love Mexican food, gin, chocolate, and bulldogs. I was also never a "dog person" until I got one - in fact, I feared dogs very much until Bentley healed me and made me realize there was nothing to be afraid of at all. I do not want much TV but I like Top Chef yet I hate cooking! I also really like Yankee Candles, shopping, the internet, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Sabres, and the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry.

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