Ugh, Bob just ate a piece of felt.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2015
Houston, TX
From England
Bulldog(s) Names
Buster 2013-2023 Monty 6/2010 - 1/2020 Chumly 2002-2014
He just ate a piece of felt about 2 inches square. How concerned should I be?
This is all new to me, none of my previous dogs have ever swallowed stuff, well, except for Buster who swallowed a small plum stone and that quickly passed.
Pretty sure it will pass.... @oscarmayer might have better insight.
It should most likely pass. Louie has eaten many appendages off of toys and the corner of a blanket and a whole braided pull toy before and thankfully, they have all come out one end or the other.

Watch for lethargy, not eating, vomiting, etc.
I would not be concerned until symptoms show. It will likely pass and you know to be on the look out.
My previous son’s half wolf dog, a farm dog ate a whole mitten. An adult mitten. It passed. Looks like it wasn’t the first time either.

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