Trying to keep Bertie separated from my other dog!


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Apr 15, 2010
Southern Illinois/Florida
Bulldog(s) Names
Princess Alberta (Bertie) Barkghesi
My poor little girl is just going crazy that she can not be with my other dog Dexter. She keeps looking through the doggie gate and barking. I am half tempted to let her in with Dexter. Seems like the heavy barking would be worse on her, since she had the pallet surgery. I was just worried that they might play and hurt her eye, since she had the cherry eye surgery and her nares done too!


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Oh my goodness..that is just such a pathetic little sad face!!!! :( A little bit on loneliness now...for good health and many years of playing!
That is tough. :(. Can you call the vet to ask about the barking? 'spose they're not open on weekends.
The Vet won't be open until Tuesday. I tell you, she doesn't seem like the surgeries have bothered her at all. She is still all active and wants to eat like crazy. It is so hard...just trying to keep her away from the other dog and having to feed them at different times. I have to make sure and pick up Dexter's bowl. She got his dry food once since she had the surgery...but she only had a few bits before I grabbed it up. She is a hand full!!!!

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