Transporting my children


Nov 28, 2016
South Africa
Bulldog(s) Names
princess, kleintjie
Hi folks,
I need some advice please.

I am moving possibly to another part of my country in the next 4 months or so.
I am needing for my 2 bulldogs to fly to another city. It's 1 hour 30 minutes flight.

Any tips on calming them for their flight ? The one doesn't like loud noise. I was recommended Calmeze by the vet to calm them.

After the flight, I need to need to drive them 3 hours to my new town where I will live. How can I make their trip as comfortable as possible ?

Also, I have a big vehicle (pic attached) and it has good seating behind the drivers seat and obviously at the back plenty of space. The canopy has small windows that can be opened.

I need your help please. I don't want them to be scared or uncomfortable. They are 7 and 6.

Thanks for all your help


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Not what you want to hear probably but I would NOT fly them. I brought Chumly with me back from the UK and I didn't think he was going to make it he was so stressed. Admittedly it was a long trip but the first part of the journey (to Amsterdam) was 50 minutes and he was already stressed out by that. I could see him in his crate. Another thing to consider is most airlines will not fly an animal that has taken anything "calming". If they have a breathing issue in the hold, it can seriously interfere with that. Also, a lot of airlines will not fly flat-nosed dogs at all because of the risks involved for them. Heat will be a big factor for you. Your dogs are not young. Please try to arrange ground transportation for them.
I second this... IMO I wouldn't fly them, I would just plan to drive them myself.
Thanks people. You convinced me not to fly them.

Another question if you please. How do I manage them during a 15 hour road trip ? An overnight stopover is probably mandatory, with lots of stops along the way.
That sounds like a plan! If your dogs are used to car rides, they should be fine. As you say, several stops with an overnight. So much safer for them and less stressful and they will be with YOU. If they are a bit anxious in a car, that may be the time to try a calming med. CalmEze or even Melatonin.
Good Choice. I wouldn't fly mine if I were able to drive them...even if the flight was FREE.
Thanks people. You convinced me not to fly them.

Another question if you please. How do I manage them during a 15 hour road trip ? An overnight stopover is probably mandatory, with lots of stops along the way.
It really depends how they handle car rides... if they enjoy them, then you could probably plan for longer driving times. BUT if they become stressed, it may be worth it to ask the vet for a mild sedative and plan for more stops and maybe a hotel stay overnight.
Thanks people. You convinced me not to fly them.

Another question if you please. How do I manage them during a 15 hour road trip ? An overnight stopover is probably mandatory, with lots of stops along the way.
Good on not flying them! Anyway if Iā€™m not mistaken there isnā€™t any airlines flying flat noses.

I drive yearly from Alberta to Montreal Quebec n thatā€™s a 3day trip. Lots of pit stops, throwing a ball so they can stretch, water n thatā€™s in a pick up truck. But definitely do take the time to stop a good 30mins before hit the road again.
Gang has you coveredā€¦ wishing you safe travels and best of luck on your move

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