Talk Buttons


Well-known member
Staff member
Jan 9, 2022
united states
Bulldog(s) Names
millie vanilly CGC TKN FITB, GCH beth anne CGC TKN FITB (guest member)
I'm thinking about getting some talk buttons to train Millie on. Wondering if anyone on here has tried them and had any success with different brands or styles.
I'm thinking about getting some talk buttons to train Millie on. Wondering if anyone on here has tried them and had any success with different brands or styles.
Check the Amazon reviews. Start with the 1 or 2 stars remarks.

Only buttons I know are ā€œmy buttonsā€ which these days Sadie is pushing the wrong onesā€¼ļøšŸ¤¬
Oh c'mon Mama @helsonwheels you can handle it, you are tougher than she is! After all you live in Alberta!!
@benny There is a dog on TikTok that supposedly uses those buttons -amazing IF it's real. I am not a member of that site but you can still peek without joining.
If you check out BulldogPabs on Instagram or TicTok... he uses them all the time in the videos. But not for training,,, it is more for fun
Oh c'mon Mama @helsonwheels you can handle it, you are tougher than she is! After all you live in Alberta!!
I swear days she drains me. Since I canā€™t make her run on the acreage lately with the ATV as itā€™s so dry now days n fire bans everywhere, I walk the acreage instead with The Chuck It. I purposely whip it down the hills so she can run up n down to burn her energy. After 15x sheā€™s panting n still brings you the ball back so you can throw it again. ā€œBurn Baby Burnā€ doesnā€™t seem to work on her lolll
That's the one! I love Pablo.. He cracks me up.
Hysterical!!! The owner is so creative and Pablo is an amazing boy

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