Soft Palate surgery

My guy had the soft palate along with the widening of the nostrils. He was 1 years old and I think we did it with the neutering. Happy i got it done..although I didnā€™t notice his breathing being bad at the time heā€™s now 7 and breaths very well and id like to think itā€™s because I got the surgeries done 6 years ago
Great news so happy got you Iā€™m convinced Iā€™m gonna go it no matter the cost
Anyone with any experience on Soft palate surgery . As much as my bully pants and gets out of breath will minimal exertion am thinking of having it performed ? Is it worth it? Is it dangerous are the benefits that great?
if your baby is not having extreme difficulty breathing i would not do it. we did it twice for out baby, the first time she was almost 2 and she did great. keep in mind once you performed the surgery it does not mean their palate would no collapse again. the second time she was 8y/o and it was a complete nightmare for us, bc her airway was very susceptible she got pneumonia and she was under intensive care for almost 2 weeks (ventilator, oxygen, antibiotics, etc) we almost lost our baby girl.
if your baby palate is not obstructed to the max. I would not do it. it seems a lot of friends here did it and they are happy with the results. I am sorry to give you my negatives but i felt i had to. i don't wish anyone to go through what we went with our baby...
wish you luck :)
Anyone with any experience on Soft palate surgery . As much as my bully pants and gets out of breath will minimal exertion am thinking of having it performed ? Is it worth it? Is it dangerous are the benefits that great?
We had it done when my bulldog was almost 12 years old. It was a matter of life or death at that point. She had gone her whole entire life doing all right. But in April 2021 she started to choke on nothing. We had to resuscitate her three separate times before we got her in for emergency palate surgery.
Surgery went well, unfortunately she aspirated. She pulled through and had another four months of blissful antics. We lost her in October 2021 to a ruptured mass that we were completely unaware of. The younger the better.


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How much did it cost out of curiosity ? My guy isnā€™t that bad yet but at his young he struggles to catch his breath or cool down and we only do very short walks
How old is too old for this surgery? My girl is 4 and I think she needs this. I hate to put her through surgery - she had her leg repaired last year.
if your baby is not having extreme difficulty breathing i would not do it. we did it twice for out baby, the first time she was almost 2 and she did great. keep in mind once you performed the surgery it does not mean their palate would no collapse again. the second time she was 8y/o and it was a complete nightmare for us, bc her airway was very susceptible she got pneumonia and she was under intensive care for almost 2 weeks (ventilator, oxygen, antibiotics, etc) we almost lost our baby girl.
if your baby palate is not obstructed to the max. I would not do it. it seems a lot of friends here did it and they are happy with the results. I am sorry to give you my negatives but i felt i had to. i don't wish anyone to go through what we went with our baby...
wish you luck :)
Thank you
How old is too old for this surgery? My girl is 4 and I think she needs this. I hate to put her through surgery - she had her leg repaired last year.
I have heard of someone doing it at age 12 years old and everything went good.

But definitely do it before it causes other issues and becomes chronic gasping for air.

If she shows signs now, the best thing to do is get it done before she starts gasping for air, then the surgery can become riskier and more likly for aspiration pneumonia if itā€™s really bad before the surgery.

Age 4 is good for the surgery.
Anyone with any experience on Soft palate surgery . As much as my bully pants and gets out of breath will minimal exertion am thinking of having it performed ? Is it worth it? Is it dangero

This is Cooper, When we adopted him we learned he had trouble breathing for most of his life. We adopted him at 3 years old from a breeder in Texas. We live in New Jersey so Cooper was on a 3-day transport for a local adoption agency. Naturally we took him to our vet to have him checked over and we were informed of his extremely elongated soft pallette. Upon further research, we had found that his extreme condition could cause him to choke or stop breathing in the middle of the night (similar to sleep apnea) The picture I attached is Cooper approximately one month post surgery. He is more energetic and doesn't snore as much as he did before. Overall Cooper seems much happier now than from the first day that we brought him home. I do recommend this surgery for the overall benefits, however be prepared for the cost. Ours was over $4, 000. Cooper had one complication but it was due to a medication that he could not tolerate. So once that medication was updated and changed he was fine. Honestly it was probably the best thing that we could do for him. Now when I get home from work he thinks he's a linebacker in the NFL as he tries to tackle me when I come home from work!!!!


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We had it done to two of ours, both under age of 2 and they recovered nicely without further issues

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