East Texas?? We’ll take it!


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Jan 23, 2017
United States
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Isn’t it great to have some snow? I love seeing Nyala n Duke play in it. They look like kids.
Isn’t it great to have some snow? I love seeing Nyala n Duke play in it. They look like kids.

It’s Ranger’s first experience with snow and I honestly thought he’d hate it because he HATES his feet being wet but he LOVED rolling around in the snow! ((But, he also doesn’t look so white against the stunningly white snow! [emoji23]))

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Hahahaha...the look on his face is too funny! He looks so cute. We had snow on Christmas and it was Louie's first experience and he did not care for it at all. Jax loves it though, at least for a few minutes.
[MENTION=16788]Ranger777[/MENTION] Have fun in the snow! We, here have snow,too. Very unusual for this area, and tell Mama to put your barn jacket on!
Ranger gets a snow day! We're waiting now to see if snow will hit here in Santa Fe, TX.

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yes, that look is priceless..........he's like 'whatz thiz.............will it hurt me'
He was very confused!! He normally wants to go outside as much as possible during the day but today he’s absolutely refusing to go out! He rolled around in it earlier and I guess once was enough for him, he’s over it! Bless it y’all [emoji23]

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We have gotten about 4 inches and it hasn’t been out of the twenty’s all day. So unusual for NorthEast Texas

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It’s Ranger’s first experience with snow and I honestly thought he’d hate it because he HATES his feet being wet but he LOVED rolling around in the snow! ((But, he also doesn’t look so white against the stunningly white snow! [emoji23]))

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Not the same water n snow as you’re right, they will run n roll in it. His face says it all how he loves this strange white blanket. He’s still not sure but loving it. Too cute!

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