
I'm having that problem too! Tank is even getting little bald spots because he's shedding so bad. I think I'll have to try the fish oil suggestion. Do you (who use the fish oil) recommend to use capsules?
Ive never done a comparison between liquid and capsules, I think it is personal choice which you use. HRH was on liquid and we were trying to find out what she was allergic to and stopped using the liquid. Later, when we put fish oil back into her diet we just started using the capsules and never went back to liquid.
Mine shed completely different also. Harlow is red/white and she barely sheds, steeler is a whitey and he has a think coat with an undercoat...he always has shed like mad but funny enough the last 2 weeks hardly at all. They do get fish oil and enzymes. Keep in mind everyone that fish oil in higher doses (3000 n above) acts as an anti-inflamatory so if any of ur babies have any joint leg issues give it a try.
Bully's are one of the worst breeds for shedding, you would not expect it with how short their hair is but they shed bad.I have rugs that have black designs in them and if I don't vaccum at least every other day it looks white.LOL.
I use fish oil also . a capsule about twice a week. I just poke a hole in the capsule and squeeze it on her food. Smells fishy but she comes running to eat though
Wilson's shedding has really tamed down since I got him and Jack back on Salmon Oil once a day. I also use the Furminator which is wonderful. It was worth every penny it costs. If you do the salmon oil just keep it in the fridge so it doesn't go rancid.
*jumps in the truck to fetch up some fish oil capsules*

I tried this with my Mable before - but could NOT stand the smell of putting it in her food. It made me gag - and I'm pretty tough with stuff like that. The shedding here is horrendous and so, I shall give it another shot - with capsules this time.

So is 2400 mg per dog a standard dosage then or ? Do the capsules go rancid? Do you keep them in the fridge or ? Is there a brand that anyone favors over another? More info please! I need the entire fish oil poop. LOL

Thank you!
I swear to god my walter has never stopped sheding his coat since the day we got him .... it just seems that

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