Repo a bulldog

Jefferson bulldogs

New member
Feb 7, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
IZA Diva & Lots 'O Dots
Hi, I sold one of my puppies to these people that live down the street from us, we screened these people met their kids and thought they were good people. But we had a hard time getting a hold of them for a few months, (We were trying to give them their registration papers that came in the mail) they wouldnt answer the phone or return our phone calls or emails. One day we ran into them at the store and they acted real weird. Well they said they would come by our house and pick up their registration papers as well as bring the puppy by so we could see him. When they finally did come by we saw the puppy and he looks horrible, skinny and his eyes are blood shot and buldging out. He was acting extremely hyper and would not calm down like he had been locked up for months and finally got out. Well I gave the dog some de-wormer and gave them a sample of the food we buy and told them they need to go buy quality food for him. Because dispite what we told them when they bought the puppy from us they went ahead and decided to feed him pedigree dog food. I was wondering if anyone has ever repo a dog they sold due to evidenvce of neglect. I have pictures of their dog. And the dog looks terrible. Skinney and his head looks very small compared to his sister that we kept. Does anyone have advice from experience. This has been stressing me out.


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I believe you can go to the cops and have them get a warrant for the dog, cuz that is animal cruelty, and find out of you can get the dog back in your ownership, since it came from you. YOu can ask them and they can get fined for it. I have worked at a rescue and we see a lot of that, and i think you can get ownership back on the dog, i just can’t remember how it worked. but you can ask.


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If they have not licensed the dog and the registration (akc) is still in your name then you can take legal action on it. I have never heard of having to do this, usually if the owners cannot care for the dog they bring them back to you for rescue. I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this, we need to save that pup!!!!


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I have to find out if they sent in the registration paperwork yet...Can I get some input from others as far as the pictures I have. I just want to make sure I'm not just being over protective. Send me a message and I will send you a pic of him. There has to be a reason these people try to avoid us. I'm going to email them and tell them AGAIN if they cant afford to take care of him anymore to return him to me. His eyes are very bloodshot red and bulging. He just looks like crap. He looks nothing like his sisters and brother. I get pictures of them often from their new families. These people said that he has the runs and he was losing fur but not anymore. Their kid is in my jid's class and my kid said their kid keeps complaining about their dog saying "thanks for our dog that doesnt ever stop barking" it makes me think they are keeping him in a crate all the time, he sure does act like it. I have his sister and she is fat and healthy, but doesnt act hyper and jump actually she doesnt even bark. I will look into the papers and see if they even switched them to their name. I hope not. BTW they moved but wouldnt tell us where they moved to. Otherwise I would try sending the Humane Society to their house to check things out.


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If you knew where they lived, your only recourse is sending Animal Control or SPCA to their house and they would be cited for "neglect" not "abuse" unless there is evidence of physical abuse (bruises, broken bones, etc). I don't believe the cops would be able to help you in securing custody of the dog. They would refer you to animal control or SPCA (I'm speaking strictly from NY law. CO law may be different). Can your child try to find out where they live now from their child?

If you think you can lull them into giving you the dog, that would be the best route. It sounds like they are at their wits end and you telling them you'd take him back may be the biggest relief to them. I'm not sure if you are willing but you may want to offer at least a portion of their money back to entice them.

I've worked in BT Rescue for YEARS and am on the Board of Directors for our group. Unless they willingly give the dog back, you pretty much have to prove they have neglected this poor boy to get custody of him again. This is going to be one of those "you catch more flies with honey" situations. Eat a little crow, be sweet as pie with them, choke back the disgust you have for the way they treated that boy and get him back.

I'm sorry you are going through's a terrible situation and you only want what's best for that little guy. On a side note, a breeder friend of mine sold her Champion male to someone who clearly abused the dog and didn't want to keep him. The guy would NOT return him to the breeder but was willing to sell him outright. The breeder contacted me because she knew I was involved in rescue and thought I could do something. In the name of rescue, I could not unless he decided to surrender the dog to us. He would never do that...he wanted to "recoup" some of what he paid for this dog. So, I had to portray myself to be a buyer interested in the dog. The breeder sent me the money to "buy the dog back", I went to his house and picked up the dog. The dog, a Champion, was very head-shy, skinny and not the dog I remember. Bottom line is that I was able to get the dog that way (he now lives with me by the way) and you may have to resort to something like that as well. You do have a few options.

Best of luck and please, please let us know how things turn out.


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Don't know if you've found the dog and took it back or not but YES I've repoed 2 of mine . I do not breed often , I've only had small litters when I have and we end up keeping them more often then not . I never place one of my puppies / dogs with out a co-ownership contract that entitles me to take the dog back if I find he/she isn't being cared for properly . My contract states that the dog must live in the house as part of the family , I require updated pictures at least once a month and I am to be notified in advance before any change of address . My contract states the dog/puppy is to come back to me , can not be sold or given away period . Pets are placed on a spay / neuter agreement and I will not release papers until it's verified by a vet . If the puppy/dog is placed on a show contract I reserve the right to re-evaluate the said puppy/dog at 1 yr of age if any reason is found that it is not show/breed quality the puppy/dog must be spayed/neutered . The dog can not be bred without my permission , I retain all stud rights for dogs and have strict guidelines for females . My name always appears first on the AKC papers so they can not do anything without my knowing about it .

If I send out my contract for the prospective buyer to view and they express any reluctance to signing such an agreement they will be taken off my list . I've kept puppies until they were well over a yr if the right home has not come along . The 2 that I have taken back were in breach of my contract the first one wouldn't send me pictures so I knew they were keeping something from me , I demanded he be returned . When we picked him up his ears were caked with crud , he had huge untreated fist sized hot spots , he was under weight and nails not kept up . It took me months to get him back in shape & retrained , he was then placed in a show home in Canada were he went on to finish his Canadian Championship with group placements . The second was on a show contract and the fools sent me pictures of him out in a kennel that was enough for me to get the wheels in motion . I was also contacted by 2 people that stated they saw him on my Bullynet page and I was listed as the owner . They stated the people who had him were trying to sell him without papers . After a trip across country he's back home were he belongs and won't be leaving .

I hope this helps in some way . It's a shame that there are folks out there that can't be trusted to take care of the babies we entrust them with . Having a strict contract protects both you & the puppy/dog .
Thank you, I am waiting for updated photos, I did talk to these guys and they said they switched his dog food to what I told them to feed him and after about a week they said he is gaining weight, I still have yet to see him. I will keep bothering these guys. I will also be revising my contract soon. Thanks for the tips very very helpful.
This is the first time I need to repo a dog. My contract is basically the same. I sold to a couple and they have separated and the one was forced to leave and he won't let her see the pup. He won't stay in contact. He won't respond to my emails. He has moved several times not keeping me informed. How did u get your pup back? Did u just get the cops? Did u get animal control? He will not willing give me or the other owner the pup.
How did u repo? This is my first time having to repo a pup. The owner is not obeying contract.
This is the first time I need to repo a dog. My contract is basically the same. I sold to a couple and they have separated and the one was forced to leave and he won't let her see the pup. He won't stay in contact. He won't respond to my emails. He has moved several times not keeping me informed. How did u get your pup back? Did u just get the cops? Did u get animal control? He will not willing give me or the other owner the pup.

How did u repo? This is my first time having to repo a pup. The owner is not obeying contract.

Hi -- this thread is very old, but I tagged a member that may be able to help you
Ty so much. Your bullies are adorable.wish I could post a pic of mine. I'm new. I'll figure this out tho
Ty so much. Your bullies are adorable.wish I could post a pic of mine. I'm new. I'll figure this out tho

When replaying or posting... there is a tool bar at the top of the box you type in... the icon that is forth from the end on the right, looks like a square -- if you hover over it, 'insert image'... click this and select your photo to post
This is the first time I need to repo a dog. My contract is basically the same. I sold to a couple and they have separated and the one was forced to leave and he won't let her see the pup. He won't stay in contact. He won't respond to my emails. He has moved several times not keeping me informed. How did u get your pup back? Did u just get the cops? Did u get animal control? He will not willing give me or the other owner the pup.

Whomever has the most paperwork regarding the pup with be the owner in the eyes of a court or judge, so find out if the other owner has country licensing or not.

Not staying in touch unfortunately isn't going to break a contract, unless you have stipulations in your contract that state how often, ect.
Thanks for your help regarding pictires. My phone isn't letting me do it but my Internet is slow too. I'll try on my laptop later. I do however have it stated in contract the they are to keep in touch and notify me with in 10 days if they move or change contact information. He has moved several times making it hard for me to track him. He changed his number. I Went To The Address Where They Lived when I sold the pup but they no longer lived there. I called...wrong number. I emailed and emailed no reply. They haven't neutered him. I'm afraid that he might get mad and try to sell him. I just want to get the dog back. He has failed to live up to the contract and I hear he has been abused.

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