Red wrinkle where eyes water?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Penelope Lue (Penny)
I was wiping/drying penny's wrinkles tonight & noticed her one eye wrinkle (runs length between eye & nose) is red. I dried it the best I could with a Kleenex & then put a little cornstarch on it to keep it dry which worked like a charm.

Is this when you use desitin? I have a friend who uses a "doggy neosporin" on her bully.

What is best? We're going to need to be more attentive to that area.
Violet has Red tear staining. And I would like to know also about the desetine.

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It's not really a tear stain as much as it looks like the skin is irritated from not being dry.
Yes,,, Desetine will work for this but the critical thing is to keep it as dry as possible.
I use Desitin occasionally, it acts like a barrier from moisture. I would use it in the wrinkle.
Marley also has red stains by her eyes, I wash n dry them every night... Is that enough? Or should I get the desetine cream n if so how often should I use it?

They don't hurt her but I want to stay on top of it

Red wrinkles :(
I use desitin too but others use corn starch and it works. If it is moist, I would use it to keep the skin healthy.
My pup has a little sore on a wrinkle right next to his nose. I want to put some a&d on it like any other sore but I'm afraid he will hate it because he doesnt like the smell already and it will be right next to his nostril. Help?
My pup has a little sore on a wrinkle right next to his nose. I want to put some a&d on it like any other sore but I'm afraid he will hate it because he doesnt like the smell already and it will be right next to his nostril. Help?
I'm not very experienced here..but I will try and tag [MENTION=2291]cowsmom[/MENTION]..she knows a lot and [MENTION=1906]GatorRay[/MENTION]..hopefully they can help! Hang in there!
[MENTION=2607]tahitisweetie8[/MENTION] is it an actual sore or does it look like the skin is read and irritated?
Its red and irritated. I think it my be from his nose when its wet and its getting in there and irritating it

Actually, @JAKEISGREAT is right. If it were me, I would take a some peroxide and use a cotton ball to wipe the area then let it sit a few minutes. Then dry it all the way. I mean DRY with no moisture. Then put a thin (really thin) layer of desitin on the area to protect the skin. You can do this once a day, or twice if it is really sore. Some also use gold bond powder or corn starch. The point of the desitin is to protect the DRY skin from the moisture so that it can heal. Once it is healed, depending on how much the pup's eyes are watering, you can do it once a day or once every other day to keep the skin healthy.

You may want to figure out what is causing the eyes to water so much. It is a symptom of another issue. Could be food, could be environmental allergies, could be an eye issue (which are very common).

Good luck and hope you get him feeling better very soon.

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